Government of Ontario     |    

Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery

Advanced Search - Record Creators

Use this search option to search descriptions of the people, organizations and Government of Ontario offices that created groups of records in the Archives' collection.

Record creators may be:

  • a government of Ontario office
  • a family
  • a person
  • an organization such as a company, association, union etc.

Each description of a record creator provides context for, and links to, the groups of archival records created by that person, organization or government office.

For more information on how archival records are organized, please see How Archival Records Are Organized.

Search Tips


All or any of these keywords and exact phrase searching:

  • Use All of these keywords to get hits that contain all of the keywords that you have chosen.

    Example: entering the keywords “milk” and “cheese” will return descriptions that include both of these words.

  • Use Any of these keywords to get hits that contain any of the keywords chosen.

    Example:entering the keywords milk and cheese will return descriptions that include either or both of these words.

  • Use Exact Phrase to get hits that contain your keywords in the order you have entered them.

    Example: entering the keywords “water quality” will return descriptions including that exact phrase.

General Keyword Search Tips:

  • You can truncate your search using * . This will locate words that have a common beginning.
    Example: Entering farm* will match farm, farming, farmer, farmers etc.
  • Common words will be ignored. These include: the, a, an, in, of, and, these.
Keyword in Name:

Use this field to limit your keyword search to the name of a person, family, organization, or Ontario government office that created a group or groups of archival records.

Type of Creator:

Use the checkboxes to limit your search to one or more type of record creator.

Dates of Existence:

This function works only for Ontario government offices. You may limit your search by entering a year (e.g. 1924) or range of years, separated by a dash (e.g. 1939-1945).

This will bring up all government offices that meet your search criteria that existed in that year or range of years.