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          Updated June 6, 2007                             

Research Papers Commissioned by the Inquiry

Government/Police Relations

"The History and the Future of the Politics of Policing" by Professor Margaret Beare, Department of Sociology and Osgoode Hall Law School, York University.
"Police-Government Relations in the Context of State-Aboriginal Relations" by Professor Gordon Christie, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University.
"Legal Sites of Executive-Police Relations: Core Principles in a Canadian Context" by Professor Dianne Martin, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University.
"The Overview: Four Models of Police-Government Relationships" by Professor Kent Roach, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto.
"The Oversight of Executive Police Relations in Canada: The Constitution, the Courts, Administrative Processes and Democratic Governance" by Professor Lorne Sossin, Faculties of Law and Political Science, University of Toronto.
"The Idea of the Political "Independence" of the Police: International Interpretations and Experiences" by Professor Philip Stenning, Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand.

Policing Aboriginal Occupations and Aboriginal/Police Relations

"Warrior Societies in Contemporary Indigenous Communities" by Taiaiake Alfred and Lana Lowe
"Crown and Aboriginal Occupations of Land: A History & Comparison" by John Borrows
"Aboriginal Policing in Canada: An Overview of Developments in First Nations" by Don Clairmont
"For The Nonce: Policing and Aboriginal Occupations and Protests" by Don Clairmont and Jim Potts
"Public Order Policing in Canada: An Analysis of Operations in Recent High Stakes Events" by Willem de Lint
"Effectiveness of Tactical Emergency Medical Support: A Systematic Review" by Michael J. Feldman, MD, PhD, FRCPC, Brian Schwartz, MD, CCFP-EM, Laurie J Morrison, MD, FRCPC
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III
"Challenge, Choice & Change: A Report on Evidence-Based Practice in the Provision of Policing Services to Aboriginal Peoples" by Human Sector Resources
"Canadian Innovations in the Provision of Policing Services to Aboriginal Peoples" by Dr. John H. Hylton
"Trespass and Expressive Rights" by W. Wesley Pue
"Aboriginal Peoples and the Criminal Justice System" by Jonathan Rudin
"The Collection and Use of Intelligence in Policing Public Order Events" by Wayne Wawryk

Treaty and Aboriginal Rights

"Addressing Aboriginal Land and Treaty Rights in Ontario: An Analysis of Past Policies and Options for the Future" by Michael Coyle
"Respecting and Protecting the Sacred" by Darlene Johnston
"A Profile of Aboriginal Peoples in Ontario" by Noelle Spotton
"The Role of the Natural Resources Regulatory Regime in Aboriginal Rights Disputes in Ontario" by Jean Teillet

Policy and Research (Part 2)

©2007 The Ipperwash Inquiry