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The War of 1812: The War Beyond Upper Canada - Page Banner

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Letter The main focus of the War of 1812 was Upper Canada, but that province was part of the broader entity, British North America, which also included Lower Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland.

All of these colonies in turn were part of the British Empire that as a whole was at war with the United States. With the defeat of Napoleon in France, England was able to move more troops to the North American conflict. It in turn led to conflicts that ranged far beyond the borders of Upper Canada.

Map: British North America and the United States at the time of the War

Chronology of the War beyond Upper Canada

  • November, an American army approaches Lower Canada from the south but withdraws without attempting to capture Montreal or engage British troops.

  • October 26, Battle of Châteauguay in Lower Canada, American army under Wade Hampton retreats back over the border

  • Napoleon defeated in France allowing England to move troops to North America.
  • Spring and Summer, Royal Navy raids communities and shipping along Virginia and North Carolina coastline. Economic blockade of the United States tightened
  • August 24, Battle of Bladensburg, British defeat U.S. forces and destroy part of Washington in retaliation for York.
  • August 31, Castine and other coastal towns in Maine captured in joint action by British army and Royal Navy.
  • September 11, Battle of Lake Champlain, British squadron defeated, General Prevost retreats without attacking American garrison at Plattsburg.
  • December 25, Treaty of Ghent signed ending the War of 1812

  • January 8, Battle of New Orleans, British defeated, two weeks after the preliminary terms of the peace treaty were signed

Details of the Conflicts


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