the capital of Upper Canada, York was a natural objective of the
United States during the War for political and military reasons.
Some shipbuilding for the Lake Ontario squadron was undertaken
at York and it served as a depot for the distribution of supplies
to Niagara, Detroit and the western posts on Lake Huron. The defences
and garrison, however, were not significant. When the United States
raided the town in April of 1813 the small garrison of regulars
withdrew after a token resistance and retreated toward Kingston,
leaving the local militia to make terms by giving their parole
not to serve further in the war.
The bulk of the casualties suffered by the United States, including
General Pike in command of the landing force,
came with the explosion of the powder magazine at Fort
York. The United States army returned again in the
summer, but there was little left to destroy. |
![Drawing: Blockhouse and Battery in Old Fort, Toronto, 1812, [ca. 1921] Drawing: Blockhouse and Battery in Old Fort, Toronto, 1812, [ca. 1921]](pics/621228_blockhouse_270.jpg)
to see a larger image (77K)
Blockhouse and Battery in Old Fort,
Toronto, 1812, [ca. 1921]
C. W. Jefferys
Pen and ink drawing on paper
Government of Ontario Art Collection, 621228 |
The image to the left is an artist's conception
of how the fortifications at York might have looked at the beginning
of the War of 1812.
At the time of the American attack in the Spring of 1813, the
post was lightly garrisoned and incomplete. The blockhouse
was burned during the raid; the lakeside battery was incorporated
into the new fort built after the war. It is now separated from
the lake by the Gardiner Expressway and nearly two centuries of

to see a larger image (195K)
Map of York, 1869
Benson J. Lossing in
The Pictorial Field-Book of the War of 1812
Reference Code: 971 .034 LOS, page 590
Archives of Ontario Library
“Their vessels
kept a constant fire on our batteries, and about an hour
after 6 or 9 of them landed in rear opposite garrison &
opened a brisk fire on us tho at some distance. No doubt
they perceived our guns were light & kept off where
we could not reach them. I came with some other officers
to the barracks & we got each of us a musket, as every
one expected a severe attack upon the enemy when they advanced
from the woods ... we were soon after informed that our
men were retreating from the batteries west of the garrison.
This was a surprise to many as we expected to have been
ordered up to attack near those batteries. There was an
attempt made from the militia up the harbour and some formed
but when the men see the troops of the line pass they refused
to stand & we passed up and formed outside of the garrison
from Ely Playter's diary
entry dated April 27, 1813
Ely Playter fonds
Reference Code: F 556, box MU 5901
Archives of Ontario |
appearance of the Town [York] & garrison were dismal.
The latter shattered and rent by the balls & the explosion
of the magazine. Not a building but show some marks of it
& some all torn to pieces. The Town thronged with the
Yankees, many busy getting off the public stores. The Council
office with every window broke & pillaged of every thing
that it contained. The Government building, the Block House
and the building adjacent all burned to ashes.”
from Ely Playter's diary
entry dated April 30, 1813
Ely Playter fonds
Reference Code: F 556, box MU 5901
Archives of Ontario |
Thomas Ridout, father of Thomas
G. Ridout author of many of the letters in this display,
was Surveyor General for Upper Canada and one of the leading residents
of York. His efforts to preserve the records relating to the surveys
of crown lands from confiscation or destruction as instrumental
in ensuring that these records are available to researchers today.
will please to consider the public Records in your charge
as exempt from any provisions in the Articles of Capitulation,
and you may depend on their being safe from damage from
the troops under my Commands.”
from an original letter from General H. Dearborn to Thomas
Ridout, Surveyor General for Upper Canada, April 29, 1813
Thomas Ridout family fonds
Reference Code: F 43, box MU 2390
Archives of Ontario |
![Photo: Lighthouse at Gibraltar Point, Toronto Island, [ca. 1908] Photo: Lighthouse at Gibraltar Point, Toronto Island, [ca. 1908]](pics/2481_gibraltar_point_270.jpg)
to see a larger image (99K)
Lighthouse at Gibraltar Point, Toronto Island, [ca. 1908]
Photographer Unknown
Rowley Murphy fonds
Black and white negative
Reference Code: C 59-2-0-13-2
Archives of Ontario, I0002481 |
The lower portion of the lighthouse was built in 1808,
making it one of the handful of structures still in existence in
Toronto dating from the War of 1812. As you can see on the map,
a blockhouse to defend the entrance to the Harbour was located nearby.
At this time, Toronto Island was a peninsula connected to the mainland.
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Secord is credited with providing the warning to
British forces which led to the surrender of 500 Americans troops
at Beaver
Dams. The story goes that she had overheard a conversation
between American troops about the presence of Lieutenant-Colonel
C. G. Boerstler’s force in the vicinity.
So, early on the morning of June 23rd, 1813, she left her home
and walked cross-country to warn Colonel
Fitzgibbon and his company of 49th Foot about the
approach of American forces.
It was only on June 24th, 1813 that the exact location of the
American troops was discovered by scouts. Firing began around
nine o’clock and the Americans surrendered after three hours.
Their capture by this small force of First Nations, British regulars
and militia at Beaver Dams influenced the American decision to
withdraw into their defences around Fort George.
![Drawing: Laura Secord on her Journey to Warn the British, [ca. 1921] Drawing: Laura Secord on her Journey to Warn the British, [ca. 1921]](pics/621223_laura_270.jpg)
to see a larger image (264K)
Laura Secord on her Journey to
Warn the British, [ca. 1921]
C. W. Jefferys
Pen and ink drawing on paper
Government of Ontario Art Collection, 621223

However, it is Laura Secord that holds a place
in the eye of the public, comparable to Tecumseh and Brock.
to see a larger image (61K)
Laura Secord's house, Chippawa, 1914
John Boyd
John Boyd fonds
Black and white print
Reference Code: C 7-3, 11082
Archives of Ontario, I0003489
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Niagara Peninsula was the scene of many skirmishes during the
summer of 1813, as the American forces holding Fort George attempted
to push out for supplies and to attack British outposts.
Beaver Dams is the best known of these engagements,
but the skirmish described by Thomas G. Ridout was more typical
of the indecisive nature of the fighting. The role of the western
and Grand River First Nations in the campaign is also well illustrated
in this extract.
17, Henry Nelles & I rode down to the cross roads three
miles from Niagara when the Royals Kings & 6 or 700
indians are posted. I understood the Americans were advancing
into battlefields. Immediately the yell was given &
Blackbird & Norton set out with their indians to meet
them. Nelles & I rode along. And in a few minutes the
skirmish began by the western Indian getting upon the left
Flank and the 5 Nations upon the other. The enemy consisted
of 500 men soon retreated, firing heavy vollies upon Blackbird
party which was the nearest. ... And they again advanced
with a large front, firing grape shot the indians scattered
in the woods. But we were obliged to keep the road. By this
time 3 companies of the Royals & a brass 6 pounder came
up & posted on this side battlefield the Yankees on
the other & I fired for sometime when the Americans
thought fit to retreat. ... A young Cayuga had his arm &
side carried away with a cannon ball & another a ball
through his arm. Some of the musqet [sic] balls came pretty
from an original letter from Thomas G. Ridout (St. David's)
to his father Thomas Ridout, July 20, 1813
Thomas Ridout family fonds
Reference Code: F 43, box MU 2390
Archives of Ontario |
shot" was fired from artillery to give the effect
of a shotgun blast, with a dozen or more small shot scattered
over a wide area to maximize casualties. |
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only original structure in Fort George, Niagara (now Niagara-on-the-Lake)
to survive the War of 1812 is the powder magazine shown to the
right. Most of the buildings were destroyed when the fort was
captured by the United States in May 1813.
A smaller post built on the site was burned by the Americans
when the region was evacuated in December, along with the Village
of Niagara. In 1814 a new fort was started on Point Mississauga
and Fort George was abandoned. The current reconstruction was
built in the 1930s. The photograph seems to indicate that the
magazine, long abandoned as a military facility by 1931, was being
used as a residence at that time. |
![Photo: Fort George [ca. 1931] Photo: Fort George [ca. 1931]](pics/2574_fort_george_270.jpg)
to see a larger image (64K)
Fort George, [ca. 1931]
Eric Arthur
Eric Arthur fonds
Black and white print
Reference Code: C 57-1-2-222
Archives of Ontario, I0002574
![Watercolour: Navy Hall, [ca. 1793] Watercolour: Navy Hall, [ca. 1793]](pics/6951_navy_hall_520.jpg)
to see a larger image (143K)
Navy Hall, [ca. 1793]
Elizabeth Simcoe
Simcoe family fonds
Reference Code: F 47-11-1-0-99
Archives of Ontario, I0006951
The watercolour above, dated ca. 1793, shows the
American fort [on the right in the picture] essentially as it
was in 1812, the primary defence works date from 1720 to 1783.
The forts at the mouth of the Niagara River were the scene of
several battles during the war. The Americans seized the British
post at Fort George, shown on the left, above, in the spring of
In December the British reoccupied Fort George and captured Fort
Niagara. This set the stage for the battles of Chippewa, Lundy’s
Lane and Fort Erie in the summer of 1814, the largest and hardest
fought battles in Upper Canada.
the strong fortress of Niagara was taken by the advance
of General Rial's Division on the morning of the 19th
December one hour before daylight after a short but severe
contest with a very slight loss on our part. That of the
enemy was 65 killed and 15 wounded all by the bayonet;
the remainder of the garrison to the number of 350 Regular
Troops & Artillery were made prisoners; 27 pieces
of ordnance [artillery] were found in the fort. Our loss
does not exceed 5 killed and 3 wounded…This brilliant
affair gives us the command on the Lake Ontario and distresses
the Enemy from the vast quantity of different stores taken
it being the principle Depot. From 10 to 15,000 pair of
shoes; several thousand stands of arms, all the medical
stores for their army, all most [sic] all their clothing
etc. etc.”
from an original letter from Thomas Stirling (Cornwall)
Cox and Son (London), January 2,1814
Miscellaneous collection
Reference Code: F 775, box MU 2102
Archives of Ontario
In addition to the strategic advantages from taking
the American post, the British gained much needed equipment, always
in short supply due to the long and tenuous communications between
Lower Canada and the British Isles.
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