Dawn Mills C. W. Nov. 22nd 1852
Rev. E. Ryerson d.d.
you will please pardon me for the liberty I have taken in appealing to you for redress,
for the bad treatment I have receiv,d from the majority of the trustees of School
Section No. 3 in the Township of Camden County of Kent. I have used every respectful
effort in my power with them to have my son eleven years of age admitted into the
above named school, but all to no purpose. They say, that I am a Black man and that
it would be presumtion in me to contend for my son to go to school among white children
though I am among the largest tax payers in the said school section. The amt of
taxes that I am charged with and have paid this year was $17.00 less a few pence.
Besides 12 days statuted Labour I am the owner three hundred acres of land of which
between 80 – 90 acres under cultivation situated nearly in the centre of said
school section, and to be debarr,d from my Rights of school privilege for no other
crime than that my skin is a few shades darker than some of my neighbours, I do
think it unfair and at the same these same Trustees, have invited white children,
out of the Township and they even as far as invite some whites of the adjoining
county to attend the said school and so enjoy the privilege of sending as many scholars
as they please and the whole of that party put together so pay but a little more
taxes than I do the above are facts therefore will you be so kind as to instruct
me how to proceed & how I shall arrange matter so as to give my children their
education, for I cannot let them grow up in ignorance. Be so good, most Rev (Sir)
as to let me here from you by the earliest opportunity.
your most Humble and obedient ser't
(signed) Dennis Hill
P.S. address Dawn Mills
Canada West