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The Black Canadian Experience in Ontario 1834-1914: Freedom Under the Lion's Paw - Page Banner

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Oswego October 12th 1850

Mr Stevenson I rite these few lines to inform you and all my old picton friends that these few lines leaves me in good health and hoping these will find all my acquaintences in the same pleas sir give my love to my aunt Dinah Caty and Jane bennet tell them I say they must not come to the States but stay in the land of freedom [if] wile they have good homes for the law is so [now ] all through the united States that the slave holders can take their slaves were ever they can find them and since that law pased here has bin several colard people taken some of wich was borned free but they had not their free papers and would not be allould proper time to send for them neither a friend I expect to leave the States the last of [boating] for no colard person is safte in any part of the States my advice to all colard people to stay in canada wither they are free or fugatives.

Mr Stevenson pleas send this within letter to Mr Wm. W. Cunningham by some trusty person for I have sent several letters and received no answer

Respectfully yours from S. Wickham

pleas excuse my bad pen

Letter dated Oct. 12, 1850 from S. Wickham warning of slave-catchers in the United States
D. B. Stevenson fonds
Correspondence for 1850, letter from S. Wickham to D. B. Stevenson October 12, 1850
Reference Code:  F 499 MU 2885
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