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Canada Company fonds (F 129)

Plan of the Town and Harbour of Goderich, 1853
Plan of the Town and Harbour of Goderich, 1853
Canada Company fonds
Reference Code: F 129, Pkg. 4, # 23
Archives of Ontario


Administrative History

The Canada Company was incorporated by the British Parliament on 27 July 1825 and was dissolved on 18 December 1953. An organizational meeting took place before the actual founding of the company, at the London Tavern in London, England. The names of those present at this meeting were later used as the names of Townships in Huron County.

The aim of the company was to obtain land in Canada and to promote its sale to prospective settlers. The Company received nearly 2.5 million acres. 1.1 million acres comprised the Huron Tract, which became the Huron District in 1834. The remainder of the land, including the Halton and Wilmot Blocks, were allotted crown reserves throughout the Province.

In 1951 the company decided to close their activities in Canada. Official business in Canada was terminated by December 24, 1951, and the company ceased to exist in England by December 18, 1953.

This fonds documents all activities of the Canada Company, including administrative records such as minutes of committees, court of directors minutes, and proceedings of the general court. Other records, which relate to the administration of the company, include reports, agreement with the Crown, and registers and schedules of lands. Fonds also contain several series of correspondence, relating to land held by the company, sales, and shareholders.

Many series of records relate to land transactions, including grants and patents, surveys, deed books, and applications for deeds.

The following series are available for loan through the Microfilm Interloan Service: Lease Registers (Series B3, vols. 29-41); Contract Registers (Series B3, vols. 19-28).

Lease Registers

The Lease Registers (B3, vols. 29-41, MS 729) provide the following information.

  • Number: This is simply an entry number in the register. It does not refer to any other record.
  • Date of Lease
  • Name of Lessee
  • Township
  • Concession and Lot
  • Number of Acres
  • Information on Rent and Dates of Payments
  • Notations: These are notes recorded below the entry. Most often they state "converted to sale", that is, that the lessee ended up purchasing the property. A date is provided, and a record of this transaction can then be found in the Contract Books (below).

Contract Registers

The Contract Registers (B3, vols. 19-28, MS 729) contain the following information.

  • Number: Same idea as the Lease Number.
  • Date of Agreement
  • Name of Purchaser
  • Township
  • Concession and Lot
  • Number of Acres
  • Price per Acre and Total Price
  • Number of Payments and Amount of Down payment
  • Notations: These are recorded below the entry.

NOTE: If you then want additional information on subsequent transactions on a particular piece of property (that is, after its sale by the Canada Company), you should turn to land registry office records, particularly abstract indexes.

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F 129 Canada Company fonds Microfilm Listing

Description Years Archives of Ontario Microfilm Reference
Register of contracts, Huron Tract
Volume 19-Volume 21
1829-1868 MS 729, Reel 1
Register of town lots, leased, sold, converted
Volume 19-Volume 21
1869-1924 MS 729, Reel 1
Register of lots sold, Huron Tract
Volume 19-Volume 21
1857-1925 MS 729, Reel 1
Sales of Crown reserves to 1 April 1829
Volume 22-Volume 26, page 100
Not after 1 April 1829 MS 729, Reel 2
Register of sales in various townships, March 1827 - July 1829 and Guelph Twp [n.d.]
Volume 22-Volume 26, page 100
1827-1829 and n.d. MS 729, Reel 2
Register of contracts,
Volume 22-Volume 26, page 100
1827-1831 MS 729, Reel 2
Register of contracts,
Volume 22-Volume 26, page 100
1832-1842 MS 729, Reel 2
Register of contracts
Reel 2:Volume 22-Volume 26, page 100
Reel 3: Volume 26, page 101-Volume 30, page 70
1843-1882 MS 729, Reels 2 and 3
Register of sales of Crown reserves # 4
Volume 26, page 101-Volume 30, page 70
1883-1926 MS 729, Reel 3
Register of contracts, Guelph
Volume 26, page 101-Volume 30, page 70
1827-1910 MS 729, Reel 3
Register of leases, Huron Tract, various townships "1-1211"; Goderich town, Mitchell town, Stratford town
Volume 26, page 101-Volume 30, page 70
n.d. MS 729, Reel 3
Register of leases for 10 years, Huron Tract,
Reel 3: Volume 26, page 101-Volume 30, page 70
Reel 4: Volume 30, page 71-Volume 32, page 270
1844-1848 MS 729, Reels 3 and 4
Register of leases for 10 years, Huron Tract
Volume 30, page 71-Volume 32, page 270
1849-1852 MS 729, Reel 4
Register of leases for 10 years, Huron Tract # 3
Reel 4: Volume 30, page 71-Volume 32, page 270
Reel 5: Volume 32, page 271 -Volume 34, page 415
1852-1867 MS 729, Reels 4 and 5
Register of leases for 10 years, Huron Tract # 4
Volume 32, page 271 -Volume 34, page 415
1867-1925 MS 729, Reel 5
Register of leases, Crown reserves
Reel 5: Volume 32, page 271 -Volume 34, page 415
Reel 6: Volume 34, page 416-Volume 36, page 620
1843-1853 MS 729, Reels 5 and 6
Register of leases, Crown reserves
Volume 34, page 416-Volume 36, page 620
1853-1868 MS 729, Reel 6
Register of leases, Crown reserves
Reel 6: Volume 34, page 416-Volume 36, page 620
Reel 7: Volume 36, page 621-Volume 39
1868-1911 MS 729, Reels 6 and 7
Register of leases, Crown reserves
Volume 36, page 621-Volume 39
1911-1926 MS 729, Reel 7
Register of Improved lots, Leased W.O.P.
Volume 36, page 621-Volume 39
Jan 1865-11 May 1895 MS 729, Reel 7
Register of Improved lots, Leased W.O.P.
Volume 36, page 621-Volume 39
1895-1926 MS 729, Reel 7
Leases, W.O.P. #9, numbers 4279-4840
Volume 40-Volume 41
n.d. MS 729, Reel 8
Leases, W.O.P. #10, numbers 4841-5284
Volume 40-Volume 41
n.d. MS 729, Reel 8

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