The Marriage Records Collection is an artificial creation of the Archives of Ontario designed to assemble in one place miscellaneous marriage certificates, licenses and registers which cannot be assigned to any one specific church.
Please note that the list below only covers the records available on Interloan. Consult the description for F 982 in the Archives Descriptive Database for information about the rest of the collection.
Reference Code | Description | Archives of Ontario Microfilm Reference |
F 982 | ALBERTA and ONTARIO, 1894-1910 A record of marriages performed in Alberta and Ontario by the Rev. S. Nicholson of the Methodist church. |
MS 7583 |
F 982 | BAY OF QUINTE, 1831-1857 A record of marriages solemnized by Daniel McMullen of the Methodist church in the area of the Bay of Quinte (typescript). |
MS 7583 |
F 982 | BRANTFORD, 1838-1839 A record of marriage licenses issued by William Richardson at Brantford. |
MS 7583 |
F 982 | CALEDON TOWNSHIP, 1858-1888 |
MS 7583 |
F 982 | CIVIL MARRIAGE LICENSES COLLECTION, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA, 1853-1911 A collection of marriage licenses, certificates and receipts received from the United Church of Canada, Central Archives. The collection is arranged alphabetically according to the surname of the groom. A name index of this collection is available; see Finding Aid F 982. |
MS 7583 |
F 982 | DUNDAS COUNTY, 1877-1896 A collection of marriage affidavits by James D. Laflamme, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, at Winchester, Dundas County. |
MS 7584 |
F 982 | FORT GEORGE, QUEENSTON and NIAGARA, 1821-1839 Envelope 1: Marriage Register of R.W. Tunney, Fort George, 1821-1824 Envelope 2 - 3: Marriage Register for Queenston, 1821-1826 Envelope 4: Marriage Register For Niagara and Queenston, 1826-1829 Envelope 5: Marriage Register for Fort George, Niagara, 1824-1828 Envelope 6: Marriage Register for Niagara, 1831- 1832 Envelope 7 -10: Marriage Certificates for Niagara, 1832-1839. |
MS 7584 |
F 982 |
GORE and LONDON DISTRICTS, 1819-1827 Marriage and baptism records of the Rev. Ralph Leeming of the Anglican church for the Gore and London Districts, and transcript of the Burk Cemetery, South Howard, Kent County (typescripts). |
MS 7584 |
GREAT BRITAIN See: Leacock below. |
F 982 | GRIERSON, JOHN, 1795 A marriage settlement between John Grierson and Jane Cross, 28 December. |
MS 7584 |
MS 7584 |
F 982 | KINGSTON, 1877-1894 A record of marriages and baptisms solemnized by the Rev. Samuel N. Jackson of the First Congregational Church, Kingston (typescripts). |
MS 7584 |
LAMBTON COUNTY See: Oxford and Lambton Counties below. |
LAPRAIRIE, QUEBEC See: Osnabruck Township and Laprairie, Quebec below. |
F 982 | LEACOCK, 1866 A marriage settlement in the names Leacock and Butler, arranged in Great Britain |
MS 7584
F 982
| LONDON DISTRICT, 1827-1851 A Marriage Register kept by John Hunter Huston, an itinerant Wesleyan Methodist Minister for the London District. |
MS 3985
LONDON DISTRICT See also: Gore and London Districts above. |
F 982 | MIDLAND DISTRICT, 1803-1823 A Record of Marriages performed by Stephen Conger as Magistrate, Midland District (copies). |
MS 7584 |
F 982 | MISCELLANEOUS LICENSES and CERTIFICATES, 1801-1889 A collection of miscellaneous marriage licenses and certificates arranged alphabetically. |
MS 7584 |
F 982
| MORAVIANTOWN and ORFORD, 1858-1901 Indian marriage returns for Moraviantown and Orford. |
MS 7585 |
NIAGARA See: Fort George, Queenston and Niagara above. |
F 982
| NORVAL, 1858-1891 A Marriage Register of the Rev. Joseph Alexander for the Norval and Union Churches, Norval, Esquesing Township. |
MS 7585 |
ONTARIO (Province-Wide) See: Alberta and Ontario above. See: Civil marriage licenses collection of the United Church of Canada above. See: Instructions to issuers of marriage licenses, Marriage Act, 1874 above. See: Miscellaneous licenses and certificates, 1801-1899 above. |
ORFORD See: Moraviantown and Orford above. |
F 982 | OSNABRUCK TOWNSHIP, 1826-1852, and LAPRAIRIE, QUEBEC, 1823-1838 Four envelopes of marriage licenses Osnabruck Township, 1826-1852, and 3 volumes recording baptisms, marriages and burials at Laprairie, Quebec, kept by the Rev. Isaac Purkins, Protestant Minister, 1823-1838. |
MS 7585 |
F 982
| OXFORD and LAMBTON COUNTIES, 1869-1878 The Marriage Register of the Rev. W.H. Havilland of the Baptist Church, Oxford and Lambton Counties. |
MS 7585 |
F 982 | OXFORD COUNTY, 1865-1878 Marriage register of the Rev. J.E. Dockrey of the Free Baptist Church, Oxford County |
MS 7585 |
F 982 | OXFORD COUNTY, 1932-1933 Marriage and birth data abstracted from Old Age pension applications |
MS 7585 |
F 982 | PERTH, 1834-1909 Abstracts of birth, marriage and death in the Bathurst Courier and the Perth Courier, compiled by Louise Hope; includes an index (on MS 7587) |
MS 7585
to MS 7587 |
QUEENSTON See: Fort George, Queenston and Niagara above. |
F 982 | RICHMOND HILL, 1822-1823 Marriage records, Rev. William Jenkins |
MS 7588 |
SOUTH HOWARD See: Gore and London Districts above. |
F 982 | ST. CATHARINES, 1872-1884 Marriage records (receipts of certificates) of the Rev. Burson, a Presbyterian Minister, at St. Catharines. |
MS 7588 |
F 982 | TORONTO, 1841-1875 Licenses for marriages performed by the Rev. John Jennings at Toronto. |
MS 7588 |
F 982 | TORONTO, 1874 A marriage certificate of John McKenzie and Eliza English, both of Toronto. |
MS 7588 |
F 982 | WELLAND COUNTY, 1785-1829 A record of Quaker marriages for Welland County compiled by John E. Eshelman. |
MS 7588 |