Government of Ontario     |    

Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery

Micorfilm Interloan - What's New

What's New on Interloan

New Archives of Ontario Microfilm Interlibrary Loan Online Services

The Archives of Ontario is committed to improving the service it provides to all institutions and researchers. As of December 19, 2011, in order to improve online services for microfilm, the Archives of Ontario implemented a new application supported on a more robust platform which makes the ordering process more efficient and reliable. The new Microfilm Interlibrary Loan Online Services provides a more effective and efficient service for our customers and significantly improves our ability to expedite patrons' requests.

How will this affect your library or institution?

For those libraries and other borrowing institutions that are outside of the Southern and Northern Ontario Library system (SOLS and OLS-N) you will now be able to do your business with us through our new online service to submit, cancel or renew requests via the new Microfilm Interlibrary Loan Online Form.

If you are a member of SOLS or OLS-N you will continue to do your on-line business with us as usual. The changes to the VDX system will be invisible but our improved efficiencies will be reflected in our service to you.

For Libraries and Institutions outside SOLS or OLS-N:

For Southern Ontario Library Service (SOLS) and Ontario Library Service - North (OLS-N) Libraries:

  • Continue to use the VDX system as normal by following the instructions on the INFO website. The changes will be completely seamless and transparent for VDX users.

  • Users unable to use VDX should submit requests via the online web forms. Please use only one method to submit requests. If you normally use VDX, it is important that you continue to do so. This will ensure that you have only one place to check for the status of requests and that the information we provide regarding your request is timely and accurate.

  • For more information please contact the Archives of Ontario, SOLS or OLS-N.

    For more information, contact:
    Archives of Ontario
    Microfilm Interloan Service
    134 Ian Macdonald Blvd.
    Toronto, Ontario
    Canada M7A 2C5
    Tel: 416-327-1018
    Toll-free in Ontario: 1-800-668-9933, ext. 1018