Items in our collections may be reproduced for research, private study or legal purposes. Clients requesting reproduction of original materials in our reading room will need to flag items to be copied then fill out a Request for Reproduction Services form, which will be submitted to a Reference Archivist.
Clients requiring a certified copy of a record or a rush request must indicate so on the form. To request images from the Archives Visual Database, please use the Digital Images Order Form. If you require the image for publication, you must also fill out a Request for Permission to Publish, Exhibit or Broadcast form. These may also be obtained from a Reference Archivist in the Reading Room.
Once a reproduction is ready, clients will be contacted by their preferred method and will be required to complete payment. Reproductions can be delivered by local pick up, mail, electronic delivery or fax (if applicable).
To learn more about our reproduction services refer to Customer Service Guide 105 - Reproduction Services and Fees [Word, PDF].