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Of the five women, only Phoebe Gregg left a diary from this stage of her life. Although some of her own children  still lived at home, she spent a lot of time with her adult children and grandchildren, taking an active interest in their accomplishments. She became more involved with women’s groups and found some time to travel for pleasure.

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Three ladies taking tea outside, [between 1898 and 1920]
Marsden Kemp fonds
Reference Code: C 130-5-0-0-187
Archives of Ontario, I0013298

Between the Generations

Phoebe wrote a lot about her eldest daughter Bessie and her babies; mother and daughter visited each other often, in Clinton and Toronto.

Photo: Three women and a child posed outside during the winter, [between 1898 and 1920]
Three women and a child posed outside during the winter, [between 1898 and 1920]
Marsden Kemp fonds
Reference Code: C 130-5-0-0-134
Archives of Ontario, I0013462

“ Found a little granddaughter had arrived on Sat. morning!”

 “June 1867. Bessie [age 17] taking singing lessons & trying to spend a few hours each day studying.”

“Bessie birthday [age 27] … She is a dear good girl and a great comfort to her parents.”
June 8, 1877

“Sixty years old today… Bessie’s fourth son born today.” and “Went to Clinton – found Bessie doing well – fine babe.” and “Bessie baby Donald & I left for Toronto – Bessie need[s] a change.”
November 9 and December 1 and 21,1891

“Bessie teaching in Mission School”, “ Rev’d Alex Stewart …engaged to our Bessie, given her engagement ring … God bless them both.” and “Bessie’s farewell day at Mission School”
January 4, 24, and August 8, 1880

Photo: Woman looking at sheet music, posed beside a piano, [between 1898 and 1920]
Click to see a larger image (128K)age (128K)

Woman looking at sheet music, posed beside a
piano, [between 1898 and 1920]
Marsden Kemp fonds
Reference Code: C 130-5-0-0-192-0-192
Archives of Ontario, I0013524

Bessie Gregg and fellow teachers with the senior class at the Mission School, [between 1875 and 1885].

Photo: [Bessie Gregg (teacher) with senior class in Mission School], [between 1875 and 1885]
Click to see a larger image (256K)

[Bessie Gregg (teacher) with senior class in Mission School], [between 1875 and 1885]
J. Bruce & Co. Photographers
Gregg family fonds
Reference Code: F 712, MU 1157
Archives of Ontario, I0028071

“Left this morning with Clement for Clinton. Found a little granddaughter had arrived on Sat. morning! Bessie doing well & in good spirits …Baby fine large child.”

September 12, 1881

To hear an audio clip from one of the diaries, click on one of the following audio files:
wav format (4.0MB) | aif format (4.0MB) | mp3 format (2.9MB).
Photo: Family portrait, [between 1895 and 1910]

Click to see a larger image (94K)
Family portrait,[between 1895 and 1910]
Bartle Brothers fonds
Reference Code: C 2-10232-1527 2-10232-1527
Archives of Ontario, I0002492

Outside the Home

Phoebe helped with her husband’s church and university activities both in Belleville and Toronto, but she made more frequent references to this volunteer work in the later years of her diary. As she got older, Phoebe mentioned more of her own health problems.

“My husband, my daughter Bessie & her husband & two children left with me by Steamer Alexandra for Montreal – the Stewarts to visit friends in Lachute – We to go on to Halifax.”

Gregg, August 4, 1884

Photo: Deck of the Chicora on Lake Ontario, [ca. 1905]
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Deck of the Chicora on Lake Ontario, [ca. 1905]
C. Bierstadt
Edwin C. Guillet collection
Reference Code: F 2178-1-0-12, ST 205
Archives of Ontario, I0021653

Phoebe’s husband, the Reverend William Gregg, [188-?].

Photo: Reverend William Gregg, [188-?]
Click to see a larger image (172K)

Reverend William Gregg, [188-?]
Gregg family fonds
Reference Code: F 712, MU 1157
Archives of Ontario, I002807

Phoebe’s husband, the Reverend William Gregg, [190-?].

Photo: Reverend William Gregg, [190-?]
Click to see a larger image (100K)

Reverend William Gregg, [190-?]
Gregg family fonds
Reference Code: F 712, MU 1157
Archives of Ontario, I0028072

“3rd students party, 35 invited” and “4th students party. Invited 39”

Gregg, February 20 and March 4, 1883

As she got older, Phoebe mentioned more of her own health problems.

“Had four teeth drawn by Dr. Wilmot.” and “Dr. Wilmot extracting all my remaining teeth four & four roots, only 1 sound tooth.”

Gregg, May 15 and 31, 1877

“At Annual Meeting Ladies Aid changed today to Woman’s Christian Association of Bloor … Appointed President after others declined.”
Gregg, November 5, 1888

“Got a bad fall going down the stairs. Soon better.”
Gregg, January1, 1890

Photo: [Believed to be Phoebe Gregg], [189-?]
Click to see a larger image (79K)

[Believed to be Phoebe Gregg], [189-?]
Gregg family fonds
Reference Code: F 712, MU 1157
Archives of Ontario, I0028075

Photo: Stack of Open Diaries
Stack of Open Diaries