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Cuando saliamos de Màlaga
antes de entrar los fascists"
(When we left Màlaga before the fascists came in)
[between 1936 and 1939], Spain
Maria Benitez, 12 years old
Colonia de St. Hilaire
Alexander Albert MacLeod fonds
Reference Code: F 126-4
Archives of Ontario: I0029904
The images reproduced in this virtual exhibit
are from the Alexander Albert MacLeod
fonds (F 126) and were drawn by Spanish children evacuated
to "colonias infantiles" between 1936 and
The drawings
have survived intact for over half a century and now re-appear as
fresh as when they were first drawn. They depict the
children's experience with warfare and evacuation and are just a
few of the thousands created in perhaps the first instance of organized
art therapy.
In 1937 over 3000 drawings were displayed in Valencia,
Spain. Others
were exhibited in England and the United States, primarily to help
raise awareness and donations.
But irrespective
of their original purpose or ultimate use, they are a poignant reminder
in their simplicity of the impact of armed conflict on children
the World over.
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image (77K)
"Un castillo y le carretero
que pasantres autos"
(A castle and a highway with three cars),
[between 1936 and 1939], Spain
Antonio Mejas, 10 years old
Colonia de St. Hilaire
Alexander Albert MacLeod fonds
Reference Code: F 126-4
Archives of Ontario: I0029903
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image (96K)
"Escena En Paris"
(Scene in Paris), [between 1936 and 1939], Spain
Maria Paz Regidor, 12 years old
Casa España
Alexander Albert MacLeod fonds
Reference Code: F 126-4
Archives of Ontario: I0029901
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image (111K)
"Nuestra evacuación"
(Our evacuation), [between 1936 and 1939], Spain
Esquirel Tierra, 13 years old
Colonia de Chenary
Alexander Albert MacLeod fonds
Reference Code: F 126-4
Archives of Ontario: I0029899
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image (109K)
"Mi evacuación
al paso par un pueblo"
(My evacuation passes by a village),
[between 1936 and 1939], Spain
Faustina Guadaño, 8 years old
Alexander Albert MacLeod fonds
Reference Code: F 126-4
Archives of Ontario: I0029897
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image (114K)
"Mi evacuación"
(My evacuation),
[between 1936 and 1939], Spain
Manolo Esposito, 11 years old
Alexander Albert MacLeod fonds
Reference Code: F 126-4
Archives of Ontario: I0029895
Click to see a larger
image (82K)
"Un bombareo y autos
de la Cruz Roja"
(A bombing and Red Cross vehicles),
[between 1936 and 1939], Spain
Edurne de Burdain, 11 years old
Colonia de St. Hilaire
Alexander Albert MacLeod fonds
Reference Code: F 126-4
Archives of Ontario: I0029896