Government of Ontario     |    

Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery

Microfilm Interloan Service

Perth County Surrogate Court Records

Surrogate Court Records Available on Interloan

To View the Microfilm

Use the listings below to identify the reel of microfilm that contains the information that you need. You may then:

  • Consult the appropriate reel at our reading room 134 Ian Macdonald Blvd., Toronto, Ontario M7A 2C5


  • Borrow the reel through the Interlibrary Loan Department of your public library. Quote the appropriate microfilm reference no. (eg, MS 887 reel 113). These reels cannot leave the borrowing library, so make sure to request them from a library that has a microfilm reader.


  • Purchase the appropriate microfilm reel directly from the Archives of Ontario. Quote the appropriate microfilm reference no. (eg, MS 887 reel 113). For purchasing details, write the Archives of Ontario, 134 Ian Macdonald Blvd., Toronto, Ontario M7A 2C5 (put "Attention: Customer Services - Micrographics" on the envelope), telephone 416-327-1600 (call toll-free 1-800-668-9933 in Ontario only), or email For pricing information consult Customer Service Guide 105: Reproduction Services and Fees.

Indexes - 1853 to 1964

The Indexes are organized by surname initial, then by the date that the deceased's estate was dispersed. Most indexes will provide the number of the deceased's estate file. However, some indexes will only list the register and page number where the estate file number is recorded (in these cases, you must next order the appropriate register for the date when the deceased's estate was probated).

In the table below, determine the reel of microfilm that you need and note the Microfilm Reference code. Please note that many estates were not dispersed until the spouse had died. Once you have the microfilm, search for the name alphabetically, then record the estate file number. In the Indexes, use the File Number in the GRANT column on the far RIGHT of the name. If only the Register number is listed, look up that Register and page (e.g. "A19" indicates Register A, page 19). The File Number is in the margin.

Go to Estate Files to determine what microfilm to order to see the estate file.

Indexes - 1853 to 1964

Indexes Year(s) Archives of Ontario Microfilm Reference Number
Index, Vols. 1-2 1853-1964 GS 2, Reel 151

Estate Files - 1853 to 1930

Estate files contain all the documents needed to grant Letters Probate or Letters of Administration, including the petition for probate or administration, the original signed Will, oaths of executors or administrators, tally of assets, and related evidence.

In the table below, identify the microfilm which covers the time period and estate file number relevant to your search. Use the indexes to determine the estate file number. Order the appropriate microfilm, citing the Microfilm Reference code. Once you have the microfilm, look for the estate file number, which usually appears at the beginning of each file on the docket wrapper, and may appear elsewhere throughout the file.

Estate Files - 1853 to 1930

Estate Files Year(s) Archives of Ontario Microfilm Reference Number
00001-00088 1853-1857 GS 1, Reel 154
00089-00226 1857-1863 GS 1, Reel 155
00227-00348 1863-1868 GS 1, Reel 156
00349-00473 1868-1872 GS 1, Reel 157
00474-00596 1872-1874 GS 1, Reel 158
00597-00772 1874-1876 GS 1, Reel 159
00773-00900 1876-1878 GS 1, Reel 160
00901-01025 1878-1880 GS 1, Reel 161
01026-01151 1880-1882 GS 1, Reel 162
01152-01248 1882-1883 GS 1, Reel 163
01249-01368 1883-1884 GS 1, Reel 164
01369-01488 1884-1886 GS 1, Reel 165
01489-01605 1886-1887 GS 1, Reel 166
01606-01716 1887-1888 GS 1, Reel 167
01717-01836 1888-1889 GS 1, Reel 168
01837-01960 1889-1890 GS 1, Reel 169
01961-02080 1890-1891 GS 1, Reel 170
02081-02202 1891-1892 GS 1, Reel 171
02203-02309 1892-1893 GS 1, Reel 172
02310-02411 1893 GS 1, Reel 173
02412-02512 1893-1894 GS 1, Reel 174
02513-02608 1894-1895 GS 1, Reel 175
02609-02706 1895 GS 1, Reel 176
02707-02811 1895-1896 GS 1, Reel 177
02812-02909 1896-1897 GS 1, Reel 178
02910-03006 1897-1898 GS 1, Reel 179
03007-03104 1898 GS 1, Reel 180
03105-03203 1898-1899 GS 1, Reel 181
03204-03304 1899-1900 GS 1, Reel 182
03305-03404 1900 GS 1, Reel 183
unnumbered, miscellaneous 1901-1930 MS 1362
3403-3455 1901 MS 887, Reel 1823
3456-3577 1901-1902 MS 887, Reel 1824
3577 1/2-3704 1902 MS 887, Reel 1825
3705-3813 1902-1903 MS 887, Reel 1826
3814-3903 1903-1904 MS 887, Reel 1827
3904-4009 1904 MS 887, Reel 1828
4010-4109 1904-1905 MS 887, Reel 1829
4110-4215 1905-1906 MS 887, Reel 1830
4216-4316 1906 MS 887, Reel 1831
4317-4425 1906-1907 MS 887, Reel 1832
4426-4535 1907-1908 MS 887, Reel 1833
4536-4643 1908 MS 887, Reel 1834
4644-4754 1908-1909 MS 887, Reel 1835
4755-4871 1909 MS 887, Reel 1836
4872-4993 1909-1910 MS 887, Reel 1837
4994-6009 1910-1911 MS 887, Reel 1838
6010-6122 1911 MS 887, Reel 1839
6123-6233 1911-1912 MS 887, Reel 1840
6234-6360 1912-1913 MS 887, Reel 1841
6361-6475 1913 MS 887, Reel 1842
6476-6573 1913-1914 MS 887, Reel 1843
6574-6694 1914 MS 887, Reel 1844
6695-6796 1914-1915 MS 887, Reel 1845
6797-6898 1915-1916 MS 887, Reel 1846
6899-7004 1916 MS 887, Reel 1847
7005-7109 1916-1917 MS 887, Reel 1848
7110-7216 1917 MS 887, Reel 1849
7217-7318 1917-1918 MS 887, Reel 1850
7319-7426 1918 MS 887, Reel 1851
7427-7529 1918-1919 MS 887, Reel 1852
7530-7602 1919 MS 887, Reel 1853
7603-7701 1919 MS 887, Reel 1854
7702-7801 1919-1920 MS 887, Reel 1855
7802-7870 1920 MS 887, Reel 1856
7871-7935 1920 MS 887, Reel 1857
7936-8039 1920-1921 MS 887, Reel 1858
8040-8143 1921 MS 887, Reel 1859
8144-8247 1921-1922 MS 887, Reel 1860
8248-8350 1922 MS 887, Reel 1861
8351-8417A 1922 MS 1243
8418-8527 1922-1923 MS 1244
8528-8631 1923 MS 1245
8632-8739 1923-1924 MS 1246
8740-8842 1924 MS 1257
8843-8937 1924-1925 MS 1258
8938-9045 1925 MS 1259
9046-9147 1925-1926 MS 1260
9148-9244 1926 MS 1261
9245-9340 1926 MS 1262
9341-9437 (missing 9431) 1926-1927 MS 1263
9438-9533 1927 MS 1264
9534-9622 1927-1928 MS 1273
9623-9712 1928 MS 1274
9713-9799 1928 MS 1275
9800-9885 (missing 9806) 1928-1929 MS 1276
9886-9971 1929 MS 1277
9972-10054 1929 MS 1278
10055-10128 1929-1930 MS 1288
10129-10207 1930 MS 1289
10208-10288 1930 MS 1290
10289-10307 1930 MS 1291

Estate Files – 1931-1970

Estate Files processed between 1931 and 1970 are with the Archives of Ontario; they have not yet been microfilmed. To order a copy of all or part of an estate file please contact us with: the estate file number; year; name of county/district; and name of the deceased. Please include: your name; address; telephone number; and a brief description of what documents you would like copied (eg. the entire file, only the will, etc.). Also, please indicate if you need the copies to be certified.

Archives of Ontario
134 Ian Macdonald Blvd.
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 2C5

For details on photocopy charges, please see our Customer Service Guide 105: Reproduction Services and Fees - Word, PDF .

Estate Files – after 1970

The estate files processed after 1970 have not yet been transferred to the Archives of Ontario. You must contact the courthouse listed below which originally dealt with that court matter.

Superior Court of Justice - Estates Division
17 George Street, West
Stratford, Ontario
N5A 1A6

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