RG 80-12, Appendix A9
Go Directly to Microfilm ListingsIf you have already searched the Indexes to Births and Stillbirths (RG 80-4) and have not found the birth registration you are looking for, there is a very slight chance that the birth is indexed in the Original Index Books to Birth, Marriage and Death Registrations - July to December 1869 (RG 80-11), or in the Original Index Books to Birth and Stillbirth Registrations (RG 80-12) listed below.
Each Original Index Book listed below is arranged:
First, by year,
Second, by surname initial, and
Third, by name of the County or District (City of Toronto registrations were often separately listed at the beginning of each year's Index)
Once you have found the Index that may contain the birth you are looking for, note the MS 939 reel number found in the "Archives of Ontario Microfilm Reference" column of the table. You may then:
Consult the appropriate reel in our reading room on the ground floor, 134 Ian Macdonald Blvd., Toronto.
Through the Interlibrary Loan Department of your public library, borrow the appropriate microfilm reel. Quote MS 939 and the appropriate reel #. These reels cannot leave the borrowing library, so make sure to request them from a library that has a microfilm reader.
For each entry, this Index will give a Liber (volume) and Folio (page) number of the Registration. Once you have this information, proceed to Registrations of Births and Stillbirths (Listed Geographically).
If the person's name is not in the Indexes to Births and Stillbirths (RG 80-4), in the Original Index Books to Birth, Marriage and Death Registrations - July to December 1869 (RG 80-11), or in the Original Index Books to Birth and Stillbirth Registrations listed below, the birth was likely not registered or did not take place in Ontario.
Year of Birth | Surname Initial | Archives of Ontario Microfilm Reference |
FamilySearch Microfilm Reference |
1869 | A-Z [The back of the volume has an index to the 1806-1844 Presbyterian baptisms performed by Rev. James Harris (Home District). See MS 248, Reel 1, Volume 7 (Home District Marriage Register, 1806-1844) for the registrations] [Most pre-1870 births were initially indexed in the Original Birth, Marriage, and Death Index (RG 80-11) for 1869. Click here for this material.] |
MS 939, Reel 1 | 1838881 |
1870 | A-Z | MS 939, Reel 1 | 1838881 |
1871 | A | MS 939, Reel 1 | 1838881 |
1871 | A (cont.)-Z | MS 939, Reel 2 | 1838882 |
1872 | A-N | MS 939, Reel 2 | 1838882 |
1872 | N (cont.)-Z | MS 939, Reel 3 | 1839557 |
1873 | A-Z | MS 939, Reel 3 | 1839557 |
1874 | A-H | MS 939, Reel 3 | 1839557 |
1874 | H (cont.)-Z | MS 939, Reel 4 | 1839558 |
1875 | A-W | MS 939, Reel 4 | 1839558 |
1875 | W (cont.)-Z | MS 939, Reel 5 | 1839559 |
1876 | A-Z | MS 939, Reel 5 | 1839559 |
1877 | A-F | MS 939, Reel 5 | 1839559 |
1877 | G-Z | MS 939, Reel 6 | 1839560 |
1878 | A-O | MS 939, Reel 6 | 1839560 |
1878 | O (cont.)-Z | MS 939, Reel 7 | 1839561 |
1879 | A-W | MS 939, Reel 7 | 1839561 |
1879 | W (cont.)-Z | MS 939, Reel 8 | 1839701 |
1880 | A-Z | MS 939, Reel 8 | 1839701 |
1881 | A-H | MS 939, Reel 8 | 1839701 |
1881 | H (cont.)-Z | MS 939, Reel 9 | 1839702 |
1882 | A-H | MS 939, Reel 9 | 1839702 |
1882 | H (cont.)-Z | MS 939, Reel 10 | 1839703 |
1883 | A-S | MS 939, Reel 10 | 1839703 |
1883 | S (cont.)-Z | MS 939, Reel 11 | 1839704 |
1884 | A-Z | MS 939, Reel 11 | 1839704 |
1885 | A-C | MS 939, Reel 11 | 1839704 |
1885 | C (cont.)-Z | MS 939, Reel 12 | 1839705 |
1888 | A-M [Target sheets on this film incorrectly identify these volumes as 1886] |
MS 939, Reel 12 | 1839705 |
1888 | M (cont.)-Z [Target sheets on this film incorrectly identify this volume as 1886] |
MS 939, Reel 13 | 1839706 |
1887 | A-R | MS 939, Reel 13 | 1839706 |
1887 | R (cont.)-Z | MS 939, Reel 14 | 1839707 |
1888 | A-K [Index entries are the same as entries for surnames beginning with A-K as found on MS 939, Reel 12] |
MS 939, Reel 14 | 1839707 |
1889 | A-G | MS 939, Reel 14 | 1839707 |
1889 | G (cont.)-Z | MS 939, Reel 15 | 1839708 |
1890 | A-C | MS 939, Reel 15 | 1839708 |
1890 | C (cont.)-Z | MS 939, Reel 16 | 1839709 |
1891 | A-B | MS 939, Reel 16 | 1839709 |
1891 | B (cont.)-W | MS 939, Reel 17 | 1839710 |
1891 | W (cont.)-Z | MS 939, Reel 18 | 1839723 |
1892 | A-Z | MS 939, Reel 18 | 1839723 |
1893 | A-B | MS 939, Reel 18 | 1839723 |
1893 | B (cont.)-Z | MS 939, Reel 19 | 1844751 |
1894 | A-B | MS 939, Reel 19 | 1844751 |
1894 | B (cont.)-Z | MS 939, Reel 20 | 1844752 |
1895 | A-C | MS 939, Reel 20 | 1844752 |
1895 | C (cont.)-Z | MS 939, Reel 21 | 1844753 |
1896 | A-D | MS 939, Reel 21 | 1844753 |
1896 | D (cont.)-Z | MS 939, Reel 22 | 1844754 |
1897 | A-Z | MS 939, Reel 23 | 1907080 |
1898 | A-L | MS 939, Reel 24 | 1976601 |
1898 | M-Z | MS 939, Reel 25 | 1976602 |
1899 | A-Z | MS 939, Reel 26 | 2022190 |
1900 | A-Z, Unknowns | MS 939, Reel 27 | 2057453 |
1901 | A-Z | MS 939, Reel 28 | 2080183 |
1902 | A-K L-Z |
MS 939, Reel 29 | 2131255 |
1903 | A-K | MS 939, Reel 30 | 2184478 |
1903 | L-P | MS 939, Reel 30 | 2184478 |
1903 | Q-Z [Some entries for names beginning with L are filmed after names beginning with W on page 192; there are no X or Z entries] |
MS 939, Reel 30 | 2184478 |
1904 | A-Z | MS 939, Reel 31 | 2231040 |
1905 | A-Z [Index partially out of order. Sequence on film: Names beginning with K (page 510) followed by names beginning with B (page 524)] [Hilton, Colin A. and Hinch, Arthur E. follow Galbraith, Russel M on page 324] [Cyre, Jos E. A. follows Leroux, Cecile on page 44] [Cabott, Henry R. follows Luxton, Ruby M.] [Dulmage, Geraldine follows MacDonough, Edith B. on page 151] [Names beginning with M (pages 229-230) follow O’Brien, Ralph Edward on page 223] [Roy, Marie E. and Roy, Clara M. follow Painsonneault, Paul on page 251] [Wildblood, Elsie E. follows Tuckwell, Kenneth T. on page 495] |
MS 939, Reel 32 | 2319318 |
1906 | A-G | MS 939, Reel 33 | 2413328 |
1906 | H-M | MS 939, Reel 33 | 2413328 |
1906 | N-Z | MS 939, Reel 33 | 2413328 |
1907 | A-D | MS 939, Reel 33 | 2413328 |
1907 | E-L | MS 939, Reel 33 | 2413328 |
1907 | M-R | MS 939, Reel 33 | 2413328 |
1907 | M-R | MS 939, Reel 34 | 2412344 |
1907 | S-Z | MS 939, Reel 34 | 2412344 |
1908 | A-C | MS 939, Reel 34 | 2412344 |
1908 | D-I | MS 939, Reel 34 | 2412344 |
1908 | J-O | MS 939, Reel 34 | 2412344 |
1908 | P-Z | MS 939, Reel 34 | 2412344 |
1909 | A-E | MS 939, Reel 35 | 2412500 |
1909 | F-K | MS 939, Reel 35 | 2412500 |
1909 | L-P | MS 939, Reel 35 | 2412500 |
1909 | Q-Z | MS 939, Reel 35 | 2412500 |
1910 | A-E | MS 939, Reel 35 | 2412500 |
1910 | F-Hill | MS 939, Reel 35 | 2412500 |
1910 | Hopper-K | MS 939, Reel 36 | 2412345 |
1910 | L-Q | MS 939, Reel 36 | 2412345 |
1910 | R-Z | MS 939, Reel 36 | 2412345 |