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Indexes to Deaths - 1869-1942

Check the table below for the year of the death and surname initial of the person you are looking for. If you are unsure of the date of the death, expand your search to include a greater number of years.

Once you have found the Index that may contain the death you are looking for, note the MS 937 reel number found in the "Archives of Ontario Microfilm Reference" column of the table. You may then:

  • Consult the appropriate reel at our reading room on the ground floor, 134 Ian Macdonald Blvd., Toronto.

  • Through the Interlibrary Loan Department of your public library, borrow the appropriate microfilm reel. Quote MS 937 and the appropriate reel #. These reels can not leave the borrowing library, so make sure to request them from a library that has a microfilm reader.

Indexes to Deaths: 1869-1942

Year(s) of Death Surname Initial Archives of Ontario Microfilm Reference FamilySearch 
Microfilm Reference
1869-1919 A MS 937, Reel 1 1765849
1869-1890 B MS 937, Reel 1 1765849
1891-1919 B MS 937, Reel 2 1411568
1869-1892 C MS 937, Reel 2 1411568
1893-1912 C MS 937, Reel 2 1411568
1913-1919 C MS 937, Reel 3 1411569
1869-1919 D MS 937, Reel 3 1411569
1869-1919 E MS 937, Reel 3 1411569
1869-1919 F MS 937, Reel 3 1411569
1869-1919 G MS 937, Reel 4 1819276
1869-1919 H
The 1899 index pages are partially out of order. The sequence on the film is as follows:
MS 937, Reel 4 1819276
1869-1919 I MS 937, Reel 4 1819276
1869-1895 J MS 937, Reel 4 1819276
1887 JONES, Sarah Deborah JUNO, Jane MS 937, Reel 16 2118422
1896 JA JOHNSTON, Robert MS 937, Reel 4 1819276
1896 JOHNSTON, Anne JZ MS 937, Reel 5 1819277
1897-1919 J MS 937, Reel 5 1819277
1869-1919 K MS 937, Reel 5 1819277
1869-1919 L MS 937, Reel 5 1819277
1869-1889 M
[1884 NOTE: Correct registration number for MAYBEE, James is 16520 / 1884, not 56520 / 1884]
MS 937, Reel 5 1819277
1890 MA McMANON, John MS 937, Reel 5 1819277
1890 McLELLAN, Daniel MZ MS 937, Reel 6 1819278
1891-1914 M
The 1898 index pages are partially out of order. The sequence on the film is as follows:
McINERNEY, Michael McMCINTYRE, Archibald.;
McINTYRE, Betsy McKAY, Martha Lazelle;
McKAY, Mary McKENTY, John
[1912: MAYER, Lucien McCOY, Kerwood Angus A. were filmed out of order and will be found at the beginning of 1912 index before MAA, Mary]
MS 937, Reel 6 1819278
1915-1919 M MS 937, Reel 6 1819278
1869-1919 N MS 937, Reel 6 1819278
1905 NADEAU, Melina NEAL, Helen Kathleen MS 937, Reel 16 2118422
1869-1875 NUDERHILL, Thomas NYE, Emily MS 937, Reel 20 2369777
1869-1919 O MS 937, Reel 6 1819278
1915 OAG, Oliver J. O'BRIEN, Michael MS 937, Reel 16 2118422
1869-1884 P MS 937, Reel 6 1819278
1885 PA PAQUETTE, Leocadie MS 937, Reel 6 1819278
1885 PAKHAM, William PZ MS 937, Reel 7 1819302
1886-1919 P MS 937, Reel 7 1819302
1869-1919 Q MS 937, Reel 7 1819302
1869-1874 QUA QUILMAN, Catherine MS 937, Reel 13 2034228
1869-1919 R MS 937, Reel 7 1819302
1869-1901 S MS 937, Reel 7 1819302
1902 SA STUBBS MS 937, Reel 7 1819302
1902 STRATHERN, David SZ MS 937, Reel 8 1819303
1903-1919 S MS 937, Reel 8 1819303
1869-1919 T MS 937, Reel 8 1819303
1869-1919 U V MS 937, Reel 8 1819303
1912 VANCE, Irwin VAN MEER John MS 937 Reel 22 1283733
1869-1897 W MS 937, Reel 8 1819303
1898-1919 W MS 937, Reel 9 1432270
1869-1919 X Y Z MS 937, Reel 9 1432270
1887 YALLAP, Olive Mildred YOUNG, Nancy MS 937, Reel 10 1908061
1920 A Z MS 937, Reel 9 1432270
1920 BLAIS, M. Francoise BLANEY, Stanley MS 937, Reel 13 2034228
1921 A Z
[NOTE: Correct registration number for COBB, Frank is 38912, not 29199. FORAN, Michael is indexed correctly under letter F and assigned registration number 29199]
MS 937, Reel 9 1432270
1922 A Z MS 937, Reel 10 1908061
1923 A Z MS 937, Reel 11 1983412
1924 A Z MS 937, Reel 12 2023013
1925 A Z MS 937, Reel 13 2034228
1926 A Z MS 937, Reel 14 2073813
1927 A Z MS 937, Reel 15 2135467
1928 A Z MS 937, Reel 16 2118422
1929 A Z MS 937, Reel 17 2223686
1930 A Z
[JONES, William Martin JUDD, Harry were missed and have been refilmed at start of reel]
MS 937, Reel 18 2240300
1931 A Z MS 937, Reel 19 2281711
1932 A Z
The C index pages are partially out of order. The sequence on the film is as follows:
CRONK Albert Perry CROSSLEy Bernice;
CROSSMAN Arthur George CRUICKSHANK M. Farquhar
CULLAN Henry Richard CUNNINGHAM Catherine A.
MS 937, Reel 20 2369777
1933 A Z
[WRIGHT, James Frederick WYVILL, Richard were missed and have been refilmed at start of reel]
MS 937, Reel 21 2372598
1934 A Z MS 937, Reel 22 1283733
1935 A Z MS 937, Reel 23 2412254
1936 A Z MS 937, Reel 24 2424583
1937 A O MS 937, Reel 25 2434977
1937 P Z MS 937, Reel 26 2434978
1938 A Z MS 937, Reel 27  
1939 A-W (No X,Y, or Z surnames recorded) MS 937, Reel 28  
1940 A-W (No X,Y, or Z surnames recorded) MS 937, Reel 29  
1941 A-W (No X,Y, or Z surnames recorded) MS 937, Reel 30  
1942 A-W, Y-Z (No X surnames recorded) MS 937 Reel 31  

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