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Surname Index to Surrogate Court Records - 1793-1858

RG 22, Appendix A25

Craddick to Dunyes

Search the index below for the deceased's surname. If the person IS listed, record the information beside their name and click here for Step B.

If you do NOT find the person listed, try looking in the Ontario Probate Court Records (RG 22, Appendix A1). Those records are also organized by surname and on this website are broken down into three groupings: A to G, H to N, and O to Z.

Surname Index to Surrogate Court Records - 1793-1858 (Craddick to Dunyes)

CRADDICK, Antony Haldimand 114 1857
CRADOCK, Emmerson York - 1845
CRAFFORD, James Lincoln - 1848
CRAIG, Archibald Lincoln - 1841
CRAIG, David York - 1847
CRAIG, James Wentworth 913 1850
CRAIG, John Middlesex 125 1858
CRAIG, John Waterloo 175 1858
CRAIG, Robert (R) Northumberland and Durham C-58, 70 1839
CRAIK, Robert York - 1851
CRAIKE, William Norfolk - 1857
CRAMBLE, Arthur Simcoe 97 1852
CRAMER, Samuel Lincoln - 1808
CRAMMER, Abraham Frontenac - 1841
CRAMMER, John York - 1805
CRANDALL, Jacob (R) Northumberland and Durham A-147 1823
CRANDELL, Caroline Kent 63 1855
CRANDELL, Catherine Essex 377 1833
CRANDELL, Edmund Kent 64 1855
CRANDELL, Palmer Northumberland and Durham - 1856
CRANE, Edward Frontenac - 1847
CRANE, Isabella Elgin 12 1854
CRANMER, John Elgin 34 1856
CRANN, Andrew York - 1836
CRANNY, Thomas York - 1828
CRANSTON Infants (G) Haldimand 98 1856
CRANSTON, William Haldimand 75 1855
CRANSTOUN, John Leeds and Grenville - 1850
CRAVEN, William York - 1855
CRAVEN, James York - 1852
CRAVEN, John York - 1857
CRAVEN, Thomas Essex 519 1839
CRAWFORD, Alexander Norfolk - 1855
CRAWFORD, Bryan Frontenac - 1823
CRAWFORD, Caleb Lambton 37 1857
CRAWFORD, Jacob Lambton 4 1854
CRAWFORD, Jane York - 1862
CRAWFORD, John Frontenac - 1847
CRAWFORD, John Kent 3 1851
CRAWFORD, John York - 1848
CRAWFORD, Mark Frontenac - 1834
CRAWFORD, Patrick Wentworth 561 1844
CRAWFORD, Robert Simcoe 182 1855
CRAWFORD, Robert Wentworth 1299 1857
CRAWFORD, Samuel Essex 482 1837
CRAWFORD, Samuel York - 1848
CRAWFORD, Seth Wentworth 961 1851
CRAVEN, Moses York - 1857
CRAYSTON, Edmund Haldimand 125 1858
CRAYTON, George Frontenac - 1828
CREDIMAN, John York - 1848
CREECH, Robert York - 1854
CREELMAN, William Middlesex 26 1848
CREGAN, William Lincoln - 1852
CREGO, Asahel I. Lanark - 1844
CREIGHTON, James Simcoe 117 1852
CREIGHTON, John Halton 30 1856
CRERAR, Peter Perth 96 1858
CRESS, Simon Wentworth 292 1835
CRESSMAN, Jacob Wentworth 195 1833
CRESSMAN, John Wellington - 1840
CRESSMAN, John B. Waterloo 160 1858
CRESSMAN, John W. Wellington - 1845
CRESSMAN, Joseph Wentworth 402 1840
CRESSWELL, Charles Wentworth 1049 1854
CRESSWELL, Martha Wentworth 1212 1855
CREWE, William York - 1861
CRICHTON, Stewart (G) Leeds and Grenville - 1854
CRICHTON, Thomas Leeds and Grenville - 1853
CRIGHTON, Michael (AB) Northumberland and Durham B-268 1853
CRIPPS, Isaac Wentworth 352 1838
CRIPPS, John Wentworth 1116 1853
CRIPS, John Wentworth 295 1835
CRISPIN, Richard York - 1844
CRISTNER, Benjamin York - 1854
CRITES, George Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry - 1809
CRITTENDEN, Asa York - 1859
CROCKER, Samuel Elgin 3 1854
CROFT, Joseph Wellington - 1842
CROFT, William Kent 122 1856
CROLEY, Joseph Oxford 238 1857
CROMBIE, Marcus York - 1852
CROMWELL, Josiah Norfolk - 1868
CRONER, Nicholas Wentworth 34 1824
CRONIN, Daniel Wentworth 539 1844
CRONING, Daniel Frontenac - 1830
CRONK, Abram York - 1849
CRONKHITE, Jacob Frontenac - 1813
CRONKITE, William Wellington - 1854
CROOKER, James Norfolk - 1862
CROOKER, Joseph Norfolk - 1852
CROOKS, Edward Frontenac - 1850
CROOKS, Ramsay York - 1859
CROOKSHANK, Hon. George York - 1859
CROSBEY, Robert York - 1860
CROSBY, Henry York - 1862
CROSER, William York - 1856
CROSS, Alexander Halton 3 1855
CROSS, Henry Leeds and Grenville - 1851
CROSS, John Huron 8 (OS 2) 1850
CROSS, Thomas Norfolk - 1860
CROSS, William Simcoe 209 1856
CROSSLEY, Daniel York - 1842
CROSSWELL, Thomas Essex 831 1852
CROSTIN, Jeffrey Wentworth 1316 1858
CROTHERS, William York - 1850
CROUSE, John Norfolk - 1856
CROUTER, Egbert Hastings A-189 1853
CROW, George A. (R) Northumberland and Durham A-303 1831
CROW, John Kent 20 1852
CROW, John Lincoln - 1816
CROW, Lucy Kent 131 (a) 1858
CROW, Thomas Essex 485 1837
CROWDER, John Kent 49 1854
CROWE, Malachy Peterborough 153 1857
CROWLEY, James (R) Northumberland and Durham C-23 1837
CROWLEY, William Perth 16 1854
CROZIER, Christopher York - 1856
CROZIER, Elizabeth York - 1861
CROZIER, James Huron 89 (OS 3) 1857
CROZIER, Thomas Lanark - 1837
CRUMBIE, John York - 1848
CRUTCHFIELD, Isaac Essex 480 1837
CRUTHERS, John York - 1813
CRYDERMAN, James Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry - 1855
CRYDERMAN, Michael (AB) Northumberland and Durham B-176 1852
CRYSLER, Adam Lincoln - 1825
CRYSLER, Andrew Haldimand 8 1851
CRYSLER, John Lincoln - 1831
CRYSLER, Mannah Lincoln - 1842
CRYSLER, William Lincoln - 1842
CRYSLER, William I. Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry - 1836
CUBITT, Richard J. G. (AB) Northumberland and Durham B-16 1844
CUDNEY, David Lincoln - 1826
CUDNEY, Ezekiel Lincoln - 1816
CUDNEY, Ezekiel Lincoln - 1857
CUDNEY, Joshua Middlesex 306 1839
CULBERT, David Peterborough 140 1856
CULBERTSON, John Hastings A-322 1856
CULBERTSON, Samuel Essex 55 1806
CULHAM, James York - 1840
CULHAM, John York - 1852
CULHAM, Joseph York - 1851
CULHAM, William York - 1859
CULLAMORE, Peter Norfolk - 1848
CULLEN, Andrew Frontenac - 1835
CULLEN, John York - 1850
CULLIN, Patrick Lincoln - 1828
CULLIVAN, Richard York - 1854
CULP, Christopher Lincoln - 1834
CULP Infants (G) Lincoln - 1835
CULP, Jacob Lincoln - 1799
CULP, Jacob Lincoln - 1832
CULP, Jacob Lincoln - 1834
CULP, Jacob Lincoln - 1851
CULP, Jonas Lincoln - 1845
CULP, Joseph Lincoln - 1835
CULP, Joseph Lincoln - 1855
CULP, Tilman Lincoln - 1826
CULPIN, James (AB) Northumberland and Durham B-50 1846
CULPIN, James (AB) Northumberland and Durham B-109 1848
CULVER, Aaron Norfolk - 1849
CULVER, David Norfolk - 1843
CULVER, Jane Norfolk - 1860
CULVER, Joel Northumberland and Durham - 1812
CULVER, Joseph Norfolk - 1863
CULVER, Moses Middlesex 243 1835
CULVER, Roger Northumberland and Durham - 1853
CULVER, Sarah Northumberland and Durham - 1858
CULVERWELL, John G. York - 1833
CUMING, William York - 1862
CUMMER, Elizabeth York - 1854
CUMMER, Jacob York - 1834
CUMMING, Alexander Wentworth 883 1852
CUMMING, John Perth 93 1857
CUMMINGHAM, James York - 1853
CUMMINGS, Archibald Wellington - 1853
CUMMINGS, Benjamin (R) Northumberland and Durham B-69 1835
CUMMINGS, John Oxford 39 1843
CUMMINGS, Joseph (R) Carleton A-114 1856
CUMMINGS, William York - 1823
CUMMINGTON, Joseph York - 1856
CUMMINS, Michael Wellington - 1856
CUMMINS, William Wentworth 142 1832
CUMMINS, William York - 1847
CUMMINS, William York - 1847
CUNNINGHAM, Andrew Norfolk - 1867
CUNNINGHAM, Andrew Wentworth 1092 1854
CUNNINGHAM, Andrew Simcoe 240 1857
CUNNINGHAM, Calvin Lambton 40 1858
CUNNINGHAM, George Middlesex 5 1804
CUNNINGHAM, George Frontenac - 1840
CUNNINGHAM, James Wentworth 915 1850
CUNNINGHAM, James Sr. Peterborough 16 1845
CUNNINGHAM, John Essex 798 1851
CUNNINGHAM, Robert Halton 1 1855
CUNNINGHAM, William Norfolk - 1840
CUPPLES, Thomas Norfolk - 1862
CURLY, Daniel Hastings A-226 1854
CURLY Infants (G) Hastings A-226 1854
CURPHY, William Wentworth 794 1849
CURRENT, Joseph Lincoln - 1827
CURRENT, William Lincoln - 1839
CURREY, Francis Carleton A-114 1856
CURREY, John K. York - 1861
CURRIE, Alexander York - 1853
CURRIE, Angus Peterborough 171 1858
CURRIE, Margaret York - 1854
CURRIE, Matthew York - 1856
CURRIE, Robert Huron 54 (OS 1) 1853
CURRY, Isaac Simcoe 140 1853
CURRY, John Simcoe 206 1856
CURRY, Peter Essex 162 1817
CURRY, Solomon Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry - 1844
CURRY, Stephen (G) Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry - 1857
CURRY, William Huron 33 (OS 1) 1848
CURTIN, Alexander York - 1851
CURTIN, Ann York - 1863
CURTIS, David I. Oxford 245 1857
CURTIS, Hiram (R) Northumberland and Durham B-14 1832
CURTIS, James Leeds and Grenville - 1809
CURTIS, John York - 1858
CURTIS, Stephen Northumberland and Durham - 1841
CURTIS, Willard Leeds and Grenville - 1853
CURTIS, William G. Wentworth 523 1844
CURTS, Peter York - 1858
CUSACK, Patrick Carleton A-104 1855
CUSHMAN, Elizabeth York - 1856
CUSHMAN, James York - 1857
CUSHMAN, Joshua F. Lincoln - 1839
CUSHMAN, Josiah Wentworth 293 1835
CUSHMAN, Thomas J. Wentworth 187 1834
CUSSAN, John York - 1849
CUTHBERT, Catherine York - 1857
CUTHBERT Infant (G) Oxford 237 1857
CUTHBERT, Peter Oxford 204 1855
CUTHBERTSON, John Elgin 8 1854
CUTHBERTSON, Samuel York - 1856
CUTLER, John Lincoln - 1827
CUTLER, Sewall Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry - 1851
CUZNER, James Carleton A-150 1858
DABIN, Jean B. Essex 762 1850
DACHSTEDER, John Lincoln - 1805
DACHSTETTER, Henrich Lincoln - 1810
DACK, Edward Perth 101 1858
DAFOE, Daniel Frontenac - 1845
DAFOE, Michael Hastings A-395 1858
DAILEY, William Wentworth 792 1849
DALE, Henry Middlesex 211 1833
DALE, James Kent 127 1856
DALE, Margaret Lincoln - 1854
DALE, Thomas Lanark - 1858
DALES, Richard Wellington - 1848
DALEY, Dennis (AB) Northumberland and Durham B-390 1856
DALLAHAN, Matthew Frontenac - 1854
DALTON, George (AB) Northumberland and Durham B-166 1852
DALTON, Henry Middlesex 3 1854-55
DALTON, Thomas Haldimand 48 1853
DALTON, Thomas Wentworth 960 1851
DALY, Denis Frontenac - 1857
DALY, James Wellington - 1857
DALY, John Frontenac - 1852
DALY, Patrick York - 1860
DALY, Peter Wentworth 969 1851
DALY, Peter Waterloo 67 1855
DANBROUGH, Peter York - 1853
DANBY, Samuel Leeds and Grenville - 1854
DANIEL, Henry Middlesex 206 1832
DANIELS, George T. Lincoln - 1846
DANN, Joseph Middlesex 119 1854
DARBY, George Frontenac - 1828
DARBY, George H. Lincoln - 1854
DARBYSHIRE, Daniel Leeds and Grenville - 1808
DARCEY, Edward Carleton A-91 1853
DARCUS, Lindsay Hastings A-326 1856
DARCUS, Samuel Hastings A-321 1856
DARCY, James Hastings A-3 1840
DARCY, Patrick Hastings A-101 1849
DARKE, Joseph Lambton 17 1855
DARKER, Richard York - 1832
DARKMAN, George A. Simcoe 1 1843
DARLING, Jane Halton 49 1857
DARLING, John Haldimand 22 1852
DARLING, John Lincoln - 1820
DARLING, Thomas Northumberland and Durham - 1852
DARLINGTON, Peter Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry - 1806
DARRAGH, George Wentworth 1292 1857
DARRAUGH, William Haldimand 45 1853
DARSEY, Dennis Huron 99 (OS 3) 1856
DATON, Abraham Lincoln - 1797
DATON, Daniel York - 1829
DAUGHERTY, James Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry - 1800
DAUPHIN, Cecilia Essex 569 1842
DAUPHIN, Elias Essex 574 1842
DAUPHIN, John Essex 472 1837
DAVENPORT, Louis Essex 710 1849
DAVERNE, Daniel Frontenac - 1830
DAVEY, Elizabeth York - 1861
DAVEY, John Peterborough 99 1854
DAVEY, John (R) Northumberland and Durham AW-93 1858
DAVEY, Nicholas Northumberland and Durham - 1854
DAVEY, Peter Northumberland and Durham - 1848
DAVID, Charles Frontenac - 1839
DAVID, Strom Wentworth 9 1817
DAVIDSON, Benjamin Northumberland and Durham - 1850
DAVIDSON, Francis Wellington - 1850
DAVIDSON, James York - 1845
DAVIDSON, James Frontenac - 1831
DAVIDSON, James York - 1861
DAVIDSON, James Oxford 47 1846
DAVIDSON, John York - 1844
DAVIDSON, John (AB) Northumberland and Durham B-24 1845
DAVIDSON, John York - 1856
DAVIDSON, John Wentworth 874 1852
DAVIDSON, John Wentworth 1117 1853
DAVIDSON, Joseph Ontario 13 1854
DAVIDSON, Thomas York - 1856
DAVIDSON, Thomas Wentworth 664 1847
DAVIDSON, Thomas Wentworth 1290 1857
DAVIDSON, William Middlesex 11 1847
DAVIE, George Wellington - 1843
DAVIES, John Northumberland and Durham - 1840
DAVIES, John York - 1847
DAVIES, Joseph Leeds and Grenville - 1828
DAVIES, Joseph York - 1836
DAVIS, Andrus Middlesex 53 1850
DAVIS, Asahel Wentworth 912 1850
DAVIS, Benjamin York - 1813
DAVIS, Calvin York - 1857
DAVIS, Charles B. Huron 56 (OS 3) 1857
DAVIS, David (AB) Northumberland and Durham B-405 1856
DAVIS, Elizabeth York - 1860
DAVIS, Elizabeth A. Ontario 38 1856
DAVIS, Elwood Ontario 32 1855
DAVIS, Francis Oxford 244 1857
DAVIS, Hall Lincoln - 1830
DAVIS, Henry Frontenac - 1832
DAVIS, Henry Frontenac - 1834
DAVIS, Hiram York - 1858
DAVIS, Isaac York - 1838
DAVIS, James Simcoe 159 1854
DAVIS, Joel Middlesex 268 1837
DAVIS, John Leeds and Grenville - 1799
DAVIS, John Middlesex 146 1827
DAVIS, John York - 1851
DAVIS, Joseph York - 1831
DAVIS, Lucinda Wentworth 731 1848
DAVIS, Mary Norfolk - 1848
DAVIS, Robert Lincoln - 1825
DAVIS, Samuel York - 1841
DAVIS, Sarah York - 1860
DAVIS, Thomas Frontenac - 1821
DAVIS, Thomas Hastings A-28 1844
DAVIS, Thomas Wentworth 33 1822
DAVIS, Walter Leeds and Grenville - 1817
DAVIS, William Wentworth 106 1831
DAVIS, William York - 1859
DAVISON, George York - 1844
DAVISON, Henry Frontenac - 1854
DAVISON, Margaret (R) Welland A67 (probate) 1857
DAVISON, Sophronia Lincoln - 1856
DAVISON, William Simcoe 244 1857
DAVY, Francis Wellington - 1853
DAVY, John Frontenac - 1808
DAVY, William Frontenac - 1832
DAWDRY, Anna Lincoln - 1852
DAWDY Infants (G) Lincoln - 1840
DAWDY, Israel Wentworth 859 1852
DAWDY, James Lincoln - 1839
DAWDY, Jeremiah Lincoln - 1854
DAWDY, Richard Lincoln - 1839
DAWS, James York - 1836
DAWSON, David York - 1847
DAWSON, Francis Sr. Northumberland and Durham - 1823
DAWSON, Francis (R) Welland A28 (admin.) 1856
DAWSON, George York - 1842
DAWSON, George York - 1856
DAWSON, James Northumberland and Durham - 1858
DAWSON, John Wentworth 614 1846
DAWSON, John Simcoe 83 1851
DAWSON, John York - 1862
DAWSON, Matthew York - 1831
DAWSON, Paul Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry - 1848
DAWSON, Peter (AB) Northumberland and Durham B-376 1855
DAWSON, Robert Perth 23 1854
DAWSON, Thomas Ontario 76 1857
DAWSON, Thomas York - 1856
DAY, Albert Leeds and Grenville - 1820
DAY, Daniel Wellington - 1846
DAY, Robert Wellington - 1854
DAY, Solomon Wentworth 481 1842
DAYTON, Abraham Leeds and Grenville - 1837
D'CLUTE, Jeremiah Essex 412 1834
DEA, Edmund J. Oxford 28 1844
DEACON, Job Frontenac - 1850
DEACON, Martin Wellington - 1850
DEACON, Thomas Frontenac - 1833
DEACON, William Middlesex 25 1848
DEAN, Daniel M. Middlesex 5 1847
DEAN, Daniel W. Lincoln - 1853
DEAN, George Waterloo 113 1856
DEAN, Joel Northumberland and Durham - 1839
DEAN, Robert Jr. Northumberland and Durham - 1853
DEAN, Samuel Wentworth 448 1841
DEAN, Stewart (AB) Northumberland and Durham B-271 1853
DEAN, Sylvester Northumberland and Durham - 1853
DEAN, Weston Northumberland and Durham - 1855
DEANS, Thomas Elgin 11 1854
DEARBORN, Samuel York - 1838
DEARLING, John Wellington - 1845
DEARY, Thomas York - 1837
DEASE, Richard W. Middlesex 155 1825
DEBENHAM, Charles Simcoe 123 1853
DE BLAQUIERE, Hon. Peter B. York - 1860
DEBNEY Infants (G) Hastings A154 1/2 1853
DEBNEY, William Hastings A154 1853
DECEW, John Haldimand 74 1855
DECOW, Abner Jr. Middlesex 42 1813
DECOW, Abraham Lincoln - 1845
DECOW, Frederick Norfolk - 1842
DECOW, Henry Norfolk - 1849
DECOW, John Norfolk - 1842
DEDERICK, Michael Frontenac - 1823
DEDINE, Jean B. Essex 544 1840
DEDRICK, Cornelius Norfolk - 1856
DEDRICK, John Middlesex 223 1833
DEDRICK, Lucas Middlesex 18 1808
DEE, Robert H. Lincoln - 1834
DEEN, Isaac Hastings A-176 1853
DE FIELDS, Henry (R) Welland A76 (admin.) 1857
DEGEAR, David Simcoe 138 1853
DEGEAR, Peter York - 1825
DEGENHART, Henry Waterloo 35 1854
DEGENHART Infants (G) Waterloo 37 1854
DEGGE, James Kent 114 1856
DEGRAW, Benjamin York - 1831
DEGROTE, John Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry - 1852
DEIS, Frederick Lincoln - 1817
DEISMAN, John York - 1858
DEJARLAIS, Albert Essex 664 1847
DELANEY, George York - 1833
DELANY, Lawrence Simcoe 166 1854
DELAY, Joseph Frontenac - 1829
DELISLE, Denis Essex 658 1847
DELL, Adoram Lincoln - 1852
DELL, Basnett Lincoln - 1808
DELL, Basnett Lincoln - 1832
DELL, Henry Lincoln - 1842
DELONCHAMPS, Joseph Essex 374 1833
DELONG, William Northumberland and Durham - 1846
DELONSHON, Joseph Essex 374 1833
DEMILL, Anthony Frontenac - 1811
DEMILL, Isaac Frontenac - 1818
DEMING, John Leeds and Grenville - 1835
DEMONT, William York - 1810
DEMOREST, James Frontenac - 1807
DEMPSEY, John Wentworth 1211 1855
DEMPSEY, Richard York - 1862
DENISON, John Lanark - 1844
DENISON, Thomas York - 1846
DENIT, Jacob Wentworth 79 1828
DENNET, James Frontenac - 1844
DENNIS, Ezekiel Lincoln - 1803
DENNIS, Ezekiel Lincoln - 1810
DENNIS, Henry Huron 66 (OS 3) 1857
DENNIS, Joel Lincoln - 1856
DENNIS, John (R) Welland A8 (admin.) 1856
DENNIS, John Norfolk - 1858
DENNIS, Joseph Middlesex 16 1807
DENNIS, Robert Oxford 16 1842
DENNIS, William Haldimand 17 1851
DENNIS, William Oxford 248 1857
DENNIS Infants (G) Welland 3 1856
DENNISON, Thomas Hastings A86 1/2A 1848
DENNY, Archibald Leeds and Grenville - 1833
DENSMORE, Nancy Northumberland and Durham - 1852
DENT, Christopher Haldimand 84 1855
DEPEW, Charles Wentworth 49 1825
DEPEW, James Wellington - 1857
DEPEW, William Wentworth 529 1844
DEPEW, William Lincoln - 1796
DEPOTTY, Michael Lincoln - 1826
DEQUINDRE, Charles Essex 287 1827
DEQUINDRE, Fontenay Essex 382 1833
DERAGON, Francois Essex 953 1857
DERBY, Margaret Lincoln - 1843
DERICKSON, James Middlesex 119 1824
DERIG, Patrick York - 1848
DEROCHER, Antoine Essex 678 1847
DERRICK, Edward Wentworth 1208 1855
DERUSHEY, Francis Ontario 63 1856
DESAIJOIS, John B. Northumberland and Durham - 1853
DESEF, Alexander York - 1855
DESILETS, Joseph Essex 466 1837
DESLIP, Philip Essex 459 1836
DEVEL, Richard H. Frontenac - 1834
DEVENISH, William York - 1856
DEVENPORT, William Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry - 1807
DEVEREAUX, Nelson J. Brant - 1855
DEVEREAUX Infants (G) Brant - 1856
DEVINE, Ellen and Mary Wentworth 1291 1857
DEVINS, Alexander Lambton 31 1856
DEVINS, Isaac York - 1855
DEVLIN, Charles York - 1836
DEVLIN, Christopher York - 1833
DEVLIN, John Simcoe 68 1850
DEVLIN, Samuel York - 1861
DEWAR, John Essex 91 1812
DEWAR, John Lanark - 1839
DEWAR, Moses York - 1817
DEWITT, Jacob York - 1859
DEWITT, James Middlesex 215 1831
DEWITT, Peter Lincoln - 1850
DEWITT, Stephen Frontenac - 1854
DE WOLF, Samuel Leeds and Grenville - 1825
DEXTER, Elisha York - 1819
DEXTER, John York - 1815
DEYELL, John Northumberland and Durham - 1857
DEZE, Joseph Carleton A-137 1856
DEZELET, Angelique Essex 487 1837
DEZELET, Joseph Essex 359 1832
DEZZLET, Joseph Kent 48 1854
DIAMOND, Charles Essex 903 1855
DIAMOND, Daniel Huron 46 (OS 1) 1853
DIAMOND, Hugh Huron 45 (OS 1) 1853
DIAMOND, Jacob Frontenac - 1813
DIAMOND, John Wentworth 730 1848
DICE, George Halton 60 1858
DICKENS, Alvana (G) Oxford 191 1855
DICKENSON, Benjamin Leeds and Grenville - 1857
DICKENSON, Thomas (AB) Northumberland and Durham B-27 1845
DICKEY, Horace Middlesex 12 1855
DICKEY, John Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry - 1851
DICKEY, William Simcoe 150 1854
DICKIE, John Waterloo 127 1857
DICKINSON, Eleanor York - 1856
DICKINSON, James Frontenac - 1847
DICKINSON, James Frontenac - 1857
DICKINSON, Joshua Middlesex 83 1820
DICKINSON, Noah Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry - 1841
DICKSON, George Peterborough 61 1850
DICKSON, John Wentworth 1249 1856
DICKSON, William Lincoln - 1819
DICKSON, William Oxford 197 1854
DIEHL Infants (G) Waterloo 114 1856
DIEMERT, George Wellington - 1855
DIER, Thomas Jr. Frontenac - 1832
DIERSTEIN, Abraham Oxford 170 1853
DIETNER, Paul Wellington - 1854
DIGMAN, John Huron 12 (OS 3) 1855
DIGUE, Thomas Essex 495 1838
DILL, John York - 1861
DILLABOGH, Peter Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry - 1830
DILLABOUGH, Christian C. Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry - 1839
DILLON, Arthur York - 1856
DILLON, David Leeds and Grenville - 1856
DILLON, James Frontenac - 1842
DILLON, Patrick York - 1849
DILLON, William Carleton A-135 1857
DILS, James Lincoln - 1854
DILS, Jonathan Lincoln - 1808
DILS, William Lincoln - 1808
DILS, William Lincoln - 1834
DINGMAN, John Frontenac - 1825
DINGMAN, Joseph Frontenac - 1855
DINGMAN, Richard Leeds and Grenville - 1795
DINGWAL, Donald Lanark - 1833
DINGWALL, Alexander Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry - 1823
DINGWALL, James Sr. Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry - 1823
DINGWALL, John Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry - 1820
DINWOODY, Hugh Simcoe 157 1854
DISBROW, Nathan Norfolk - 1848
DISHER, Henry Lincoln - 1836
DISHER, Thomas Lincoln - 1848
DISHER, William Lincoln - 1811
DISHER, William Lincoln - 1835
DITTON, Thomas Huron 15 (OS 3) 1855
DITTON, William Huron 44 (OS 2) 1848
DITTY, Sanderson York - 1854
DIVINE, Anthony York - 1862
DIVINE, Thomas York - 1862
DIXIE, Wolston A. Essex 911 1855
DIXON, Adam (R) Northumberland and Durham B-148 1836
DIXON, Benjamin Essex 610 1844
DIXON, George Peterborough 67 1850
DIXON Infant (G) Peterborough 56 1850
DIXON, James York - 1862
DIXON, Jane Norfolk - 1867
DIXON, John Peterborough 33 1847
DIXON, Peter Northumberland and Durham - 1856
DIXON, Robert Northumberland and Durham - 1851
DIXON, Thomas Northumberland and Durham - 1852
DIXON, Thomas Halton 32 1856
DIXON, Thomas Peterborough 15 1844
DIXON, Thomas York - 1856
DIXON, Thomas York - 1858
DIXON, William Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry - 1818
DIXON, William Northumberland and Durham - 1826
DIXON, William Peterborough 51 1849
DIXON, William Norfolk - 1866
DIXON, William Norfolk - 1867
DOAKES, Samuel Huron 48 (OS 3) 1856
DOAN, Abraham Lincoln - 1854
DOAN, Eli (R) Welland A118 (admin.) 1858
DOAN, Elijah Norfolk - 1866
DOAN, Elijah Lincoln - 1830
DOAN, James York - 1841
DOAN, John Lincoln - 1829
DOAN, John York - 1862
DOAN, Joseph York - 1840
DOAN, Timothy Lincoln - 1854
DOAN, William York - 1844
DOANE, Jonathan Lincoln - 1855
DOBBIE, James Wentworth 184 1833
DOBBIE, William Lanark - 1854
DOBBIN, Leonard Wellington - 1854
DOBBIN, Samuel Waterloo 31 1854
DOBIE, James Lincoln - 1823
DOBLE, John Jr. Ontario 106 1858
DOBSON, George York - 1861
DOBSON, James Middlesex 36 1855
DOBSON, Richard Lambton 3 1854
DOBY, Thomas Oxford 75 1848
DOCHSTIDER, Henry Lincoln - 1838
DOCKSTEDER Infants (G) Lincoln - 1839
DODD, Marie Frontenac - 1843
DODDS, James York - 1842
DODGE, Daniel Middlesex 114 1824
DODGE, Mary Wentworth 183 1833
DODGE, Nathaniel Wellington - 1852
DODGE, Nathaniel W. Wentworth 186 1833
DODGE, Samuel Wentworth 480 1842
DOE, Peter Haldimand 53 1853
DOERING, Adam Waterloo 76 1855
DOGGET, John York - 1813
DOHART (DEHART), Daniel York - 1842
DOHERTY, John Kent 15 1852
DOHERTY, Stewart Wentworth 1319 1858
DOHNER, John York - 1847
DOLBIER, Samuel Elgin 51 1858
DOLLERY, Charles York - 1853
DOLMAGE, John (G) Wentworth 1115 1853
DOLSEN, Daniel Kent 31 1853
DOLSEN, Isaac Sr. Essex 96 1813
DOLSEN, John Essex 684 1847
DOLSEN, Mary Norfolk - 1859
DOLSEN, Matthew Essex 108 1813
DONAGHA, Edward York - 1841
DONALD, James Leeds and Grenville - 1835
DONALDSON, James Essex 20 1801
DONALDSON, James Wellington - 1857
DONALDSON, John Lincoln - 1816
DONALLY, William York - 1855
DONANGHOO, Ephriam York - 1837
DONELLY, Andrew York - 1855
DONELLY, Andrew Wentworth 1210 1855
DONEY, John Huron 37 (OS 3) 1856
DONNAN, Adam Simcoe 101 1851
DONNAN, William Niagara - 1828
DONNELLY, Adam Peterborough 122 1855
DONNILL, James York - 1858
DONOHOE, Letitia York - 1847
DONOHOE, Mickael Wentworth 860 1852
DONOHOE, William Essex 481 1837
DONOVAN, Mary F. Essex 426 1833
DONOVAN, Mathew Essex 73 1809
DONOVAN, Patrick Frontenac - 1829
DONOVAN, Richard Essex 39 1805
DOOLEY, Patrick Essex 794 1851
DOOLITTLE, John Simcoe 50 1848
DOPP, Nicholas Wellington - 1852
DORAN, Patrick Simcoe 154 1854
DORIAN, Daniel Hastings A-164 1853
DORIS Infants (G) Lincoln - 1851
DORITY, Charles York - 1855
DORLAND, Daniel B. Frontenac - 1821
DORLAND, Enoch G. Hastings A-287 1855
DORLAND, John Frontenac - 1834
DORLAND, Joseph Frontenac - 1833
DORLAND, Maria Frontenac - 1853
DORLAND, Phillip Frontenac - 1815
DORLAND, Thomas Frontenac - 1832
DORLAND, Thomas Frontenac - 1833
DOROCHE, Patt Leeds and Grenville - 1806
DORSAY, Allan Norfolk - 1857
DORSEY, Denis Essex 408 1834
DORSEY, Michael Carleton A-150, 152 1858
DORSHEMER, Conrad Lincoln - 1830
DORSHIMER, Martin Lincoln - 1854
DORY, Joseph Wellington - 1857
DOSEMAN, John Perth 35 1855
DOUGALL, Benjamin Hastings A-378 1858
DOUGALL, William Frontenac - 1808
DOUGHERTY, Alexander Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry - 1833
DOUGHERTY, Anna York - 1838
DOUGHERTY, Jeremiah York - 1838
DOUGHTY, Henry York - 1856
DOUGLAS, Edward Lincoln - 1845
DOUGLAS, George Middlesex 275 1837
DOUGLAS, George Peterborough 58 1850
DOUGLAS, James Waterloo 41 1854
DOUGLAS, John Wentworth 401 1840
DOUGLAS, Peter York - 1856
DOUGLAS, Thomas Frontenac - 1808
DOUGLASS, George Simcoe 243 1857
DOUGLASS, George Norfolk - 1848
DOUGLASS, James Lanark - 1838
DOUGLASS, Joseph Norfolk - 1868
DOUGLASS, Levi Norfolk - 1852
DOUGLASS, Thomas Huron 2 (OS 2) 1849
DOUGLASS, Thomas Waterloo 90 1856
DOUGLASS, William Leeds and Grenville - 1844
DOUGLASS, William York - 1859
DOVER, Joseph York - 1840
DOW, Abram Lanark - 1832
DOW, Peter Huron 6 (OS 1) 1843
DOW, Robert Wentworth 1294 1857
DOW, Samuel Leeds and Grenville - 1806
DOW, William Ontario 27 1855
DOWD, Samuel Norfolk - 1854
DOWDING, John Wentworth 911 1850
DOWDLE, Richard Lincoln - 1800
DOWLAND, Anne Frontenac - 1837
DOWLAND, John Frontenac - 1834
DOWLER, Robert Essex 496 1838
DOWLIN, Dennis Elgin 44 1857
DOWLING, Francis Kent 67 1855
DOWLING, Michael Northumberland and Durham - 1817
DOWN, Robert Huron 38 (OS 3) 1856
DOWNER, John Peterborough 79 1852
DOWNEY, John Simcoe 107 1852
DOWNEY, Lawrence Wentworth 910 1850
DOWNEY, William York - 1847
DOWNI, Ann Perth 24 1854
DOWSON, John York - 1857
DOXSEE, Archelius Frontenac - 1820
DOXSIE, John Middlesex 156 1827
DOYEN, John B. Northumberland and Durham - 1853
DOYLE, Daniel Carleton A-103 1855
DOYLE, Harriet York - 1855
DOYLE, James Haldimand 71 1855
DOYLE, John York - 1856
DOYLE, John Frontenac - 1837
DOYLE, Patrick O. Wellington - 1849
DOYLE, Patrick Haldimand 20 1852
DOYLE, Richard N. (G) Oxford 110 1850
DOYLE, Thomas Leeds and Grenville - 1820
DOYLE, William York - 1844
DRAINEY, Hugh (R) Northumberland and Durham AW-84 1858
DRAKE, John Essex 120 1815
DRAKE, Joseph Oxford 126 1850
DRAKE, Mark Perth 72 1856
DRAPER, Joel York - 1851
DRESCHLER, George Perth 3 1853
DREW, Paul Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry - 1814
DRISCALL, John Wellington - 1849
DRISCOL, Thomas Essex 416 1834
DRISCOLL, Daniel Essex 906 1855
DROUILLARD, Alexander Essex 417 1834
DROUILLARD, Denis Essex 562 1842
DROUILLARD, Dennis Essex 575 1842
DROUILLARD, Francois Essex 819 1852
DROUILLARD, Louis Essex 431 1835
DROUILLIARD, Denis Essex 208 1822
DRUCE, John Wentworth 48 1825
DRUILLARD, James Essex 401 1833
DRUILLIARD, Joseph Essex 157 1817
DRUILLIARD, Richard Essex 411 1834
DRUMMOND, Colin York - 1835
DRUMMOND, John York - 1835
DRUMMOND, Peter Leeds and Grenville - 1822
DRYSDALE, James Simcoe 113 1852
DUART, John Northumberland and Durham - 1829
DUBE, Louis Essex 470 1837
DUBE, Louis Essex 870 1854
DUBLIN, Benjamin Wentworth 613 1846
DUBY, Louis Essex 870 1854
DUCETTE, Nicholas Essex 11 1800
DUCHARM, Pierre Essex 259 1825
DUCKWORTH, John Wellington - 1850
DUDLEY, John Lincoln - 1847
DUDLEY, Nathaniel Norfolk - 1850
DUESLER, Jacob Lincoln - 1832
DUFAUD, Francois X. Essex 5 1796
DUFF, Alexander Essex 74 1809
DUFF, Robert Frontenac - 1840
DUFF, Robert Simcoe 162 1854
DUFFETTE, Augustin Essex 64 1809
DUFFIELD, Edward Wentworth 1293 1857
DUFFIELD, Henry (R) Northumberland and Durham B-83 1835
DUFFIELD, Henry Wellington - 1846
DUFFILL, John York - 1855
DUFFIN, William Lincoln - 1849
DUFFY, Charles Wentworth 628 1846
DUFFY, Eleanor Wentworth - 1852
DUFFY, Henry Wentworth 1248 1856
DUFFY, Michael Wentworth 1145 1854
DUFFY, Philip Wentworth 351 1838
DUFRENE, Maria L. Essex 303 1828
DUFRESNE, Antoine I. Essex 38 1804
DUFRESNE, Louis Essex 60 1806
DUGGAN, Edmund H. York - 1835
DUGGAN, George York - 1859
DUGGAN, Thomas Essex 36 1804
DUKE, Henry Simcoe 202 1856
DUKE, Thomas Lincoln - 1849
DULMADGE, John Frontenac - 1857
DULY, Joseph (R) Welland A84 (admin.) 1858
DUMBLE, Henry Northumberland and Durham - 1851
DUMBLE, John (AB) Northumberland and Durham B-407 1856
DUMBLE, William Northumberland and Durham - 1846
DUNBAR, John Leeds and Grenville - 1854
DUNBAR, Robert Wellington - 1854
DUNBAR, William Lincoln - 1829
DUNCAN, Alexander Lanark - 1850
DUNCAN, George Carleton A-103 1855
DUNCAN, George Norfolk - 1860
DUNCAN, James Lincoln - 1796
DUNCAN, James York - 1856
DUNCAN, Jane York - 1847
DUNCAN, John Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry - 1831
DUNCAN, John York - 1857
DUNCAN, John Lanark - 1830
DUNCAN, Joseph York - 1848
DUNCAN, Richard Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry - 1820
DUNCAN, Thomas Peterborough 112 1854
DUNCAN, William Middlesex 81 1852
DUNCAN, William Wentworth 1250 1856
DUNHAM, Daniel Wentworth 1330 1858
DUNHAM, David Frontenac - 1826
DUNHAM Infants (G) Simcoe 66 1850
DUNHAM, James Leeds and Grenville - 1828
DUNHAM, Jonathan Leeds and Grenville - 1810
DUNHAM, Joseph Simcoe 33 1846
DUNHAM, Thomas York - 1850
DUNHAM, William York - 1844
DUNKIN, David Oxford 52 1847
DUNLOP, James Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry - 1827
DUNLOP, Robert G. Huron 113 (OS) 1841
DUNLOP, Thomas Simcoe 131 1853
DUNLOP, William Huron 58 (OS 1) 1845
DUNN, Bartholomen Lincoln - 1801
DUNN, Catharine Wentworth 652 1847
DUNN, Daniel Wentworth 1251 1856
DUNN, Hugh Huron 71 (OS 1) 1854
DUNN, John Lincoln - 1856
DUNN, John H. Wentworth 1209 1855
DUNN, Robert Lanark - 1858
DUNN, Thomas Frontenac - 1857
DUNORD, Francois Essex 169 1819
DUNSFORD, James H. Peterborough 81 1852
DUNYES, Martin Frontenac - 1809

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