F 1075-12 M.O. Hammond portraits of Canadian artists [1891-1934]: series consists of photographic portraits of over 200 Canadian artists that M.O. Hammond created and/or collected.
Photographs from the M.O. Hammond fonds (F 1075) on Wikimedia Commons: incudes portraits of artists affiliated with the OSA taken between 1910 and 1930 (both Society members and artists who participated in the Society’s exhibitions), and photographs of the Ontario Society of Artists Hanging Committee in 1910, 1928, and 1929.
F 1132-30 Frederic Barlow Cumberland annual reports, pamphlets, brochures and other published materials [1838-1936]: series consists of various printed reference materials such as reports, pamphlets, booklets, brochures and books which were collected by Frederic Barlow Cumberland, including the catalogue of the 32nd annual OSA exhibition [1904] and the catalogue of the 36th annual OSA exhibition [1908].
F 1140 Ontario Society of Artists fonds [1847-2000]: includes administrative records of the society, such as correspondence, incorporation documents, minute books, society histories, archives and scrapbook project records, exhibition management files, biographical and professional profiles of society members and nominees, annual reports, financial records and records relating to the activities of the Society's Executive Council. Fonds also contains catalogues of the society's annual exhibitions, which began in 1873, and includes annual reports, bulletins, and other printed material and publications from art galleries and associations across Canada and elsewhere. Materials specifically referenced in this exhibit include:
F 2154 Cleeve Horne fonds [1910-1998]: includes records relating to Horne’s involvement with professional bodies and associations including the Ontario Society of Artists, and his relationships with members of the broader artistic community.
F 4603 Ian Trowell fonds [1972-1988, 2010]: fonds includes material related to his tenure as President of the Ontario Society of Artists.
RG 2-42 Department of Education select subject files [predominant 1885-1913]: series consists principally of files from the central correspondence registry of the Department of Education; includes correspondence between the Department with the Ontario Society of Artists regarding exhibitions, selection of artworks for purchase, and other matters of OSA operation.
“‘The Exhibition of The Ontario Society of Artists’ in Canadian Illustrated News, Vol. 7, No. 18.” Canadiana Online, G.E. Desbarats, 3 May 1873, Click here
Radford, J.A. "Canadian Art and Its Critics" in Canadian Magazine 29 (October 1907), p. 513-519.
Bayer, Fern "The ‘Ontario Collection’ and the Ontario Society of Artists Policy and Purchases, 1873-1914". RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review 8, no. 1 (1981) : 32–54. Click Here
McKenzie, K. & Pfaff, L. (1980). The Art Gallery of Ontario: Sixty Years of Exhibitions, 1906-1966. RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review, 7(1-2), 62–91. Click Here
Payne, Daniel. A Mirror of Curriculum. Art Libraries and Studio-Based Education: The OCAD University Experience (1876 -2016). Ontario College of Art & Design University, March 7, 2017. Click Here
Ryan, M. (1990). Picturing Canada’s Native Landscape: Colonial Expansion, National Identity, and the Image of a “Dying Race”. RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne / Canadian Art Review, 17(2), 138–149. Click Here
Stacey, Robert. "Ontario Society of Artists: A Brief Historical Outline." Centre for Contemporary Canadian Art. Concordia University. Click Here