This online exhibit is based in part on a web exhibit created by Janice Welch and Guinevere Pura for Canada's Digital Collections program, Industry Canada.
The textual background material is based on a presentation written by Carolyn Gray for the Archives of Ontario.
The English quotations were read by Peggy Mooney and the French quotations were read by Marie-Joseé Lévesque.
Bassett, John M. The Canadians: Elizabeth Simcoe First Lady of Upper Canada. Fitzhenry & Whiteside Ltd.: Don Mills, 1974.
Frayer, Mary Beacock. Elizabeth Posthuma Simcoe 1796-1850: A Biography. Duncan Press: Toronto, 1989.
Garrod, Stan et al. Canada: A Growth of a Nation. Fitzhenry & Whiteside: Markham, 1989.
Heritage of Canada: Our Storied Past and Where to Find It. Reader's Digest Association: Montreal, 1978.
Image of Canada. Information Canada. Ottawa: 1972.
Innis, Mary Quayle. Mrs. Simcoe's Diary. St. Martin's Press: New York, 1965.
Lunn, Janet, Christopher Moore. The Story of Canada. Lester Publishing & Key Porter Books Limited: Toronto, 1992.
Robertson, J. Ross. The Diary of Elizabeth Simcoe. The Ontario Publishing Company Limited: Toronto, 1934.
Cook, Ramsay. The Dictionary of Canadian Biography. University of Toronto: 2000.