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Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery

Remembrance Day 2014 Online Exhibit – The Soldiers

This list represents the names of all the soldiers whose photographs appear in the Eaton’s collection. Some of the photographs were lost before they came to the Archives of Ontario, so a few names do not have accompanying portraits. To see a soldier’s portrait, search the list of names below, and copy the [ Search ID Tag ]. Paste that number into the search field below and click on “Search”.

Soldier Search Box

Put Soldier Search ID Tag from the Name List Below (without any space):

After pressing search , please CLICK on the picture to ENLARGE it.

Soldier Picture based on Search ID Tag

"D-F"Listed by Soldiers Last Name

D-F alphabet title banner

A-C | D-F | G-I | J-L | M-O | P-R | S-U | V-X | Y-Z

List of Soldiers last names starting with letter "D"

Last Names Starting with "D"

Name List
First Name Last Name Search ID Tag
Pte. W. G. B.  Dailey I0073124
Pte. W.  Dalgarno I0073123
Pte. John J. Daly I0073120
Pte. V.  Dancer I0073316
Pte. T.  Daniel I0073105
Pte. Thos. Darling I0073116
Pte. Jos. J.  Darlison I0073124
Pte. W. H.  Davey I0073120
Pte. Jas.  Davidson I0073120
Pte. Jas.  Davidson I0073123
Pte. W. R.  Davidson I0073116
Pte. Wm.  Davidson I0073105
Pte. E. C.  Davies I0073116
Pte. Wm. H.  Davies I0073105
Staff Sgt. T. S.  Davies I0073123
Bugler E.  Davis I0073124
Lieut. E. R. M. Davis I0073123
Pte. E.  Davis I0073116
Pte. E. C. H.  Davis I0073120
Pte. Floyd E. Davis I0073124
Pte. Geo. T.  Davis I0073105
Pte. Thos.  Davis I0073124
Pte. A. H.  Daw I0073120
Air Mech. Wm. F.  Dawe I0033208
Signaller A.  Dawe I0073105
Pte. Geo. J. Daws I0073123
Driver G.  Dawson I0073128
Pte. Geo.  Dawson I0073124
Pte. Robt.  Dawson I0073116
Signaller J. S.  Day I0073123
Pte. J. L.  Dayton I0073120
Bandsman Art.  Deadman I0073128
Pte. Norman Dean I0073119
Pte. E.  Deards I0073121
Pte. Jas.  Deas I0073118
Pte. R. W.  Deave I0073122
Pte. J. H.  Deeves I0073114
Pte. Arthr. D. Delacour I0073121
Pte. E.  DeLuca I0073115
Pte. Frank Delves I0073129
Pte. R. P.  DeMont I0073118
Pte. Robt.  Dempsey I0073119
Pte. J. B. A.  Desaleaux I0073125
Pte. Jos.  Deuxberry I0073115
Pte. J. G.  Devers I0073121
Pte. Bert Devolder I0033213
Pte. Geo.  DeWitt I0073114
Pte. Martin  Dewy I0073317
Sapper Wm.  Dick I0073118
Pte. Robt.  Dickason I0073115
Lance Corpl. E. A.  Dickie I0073114
Pte. W.  Dickson I0073119
Pte. O. G.  Digby I0073110
Pte. W. K.  Digby I0073121
Pte. Arthr.  Dillon I0073118
Pte. Chas.  Dimond I0073119
Pte. Reg.  Dimond I0073114
Pte. R. J.  Dinnen I0073115
Pte. Thos. H.  Dinnes I0073121
Pte. A.  Dinsmore I0073118
Pte. D. Diplock I0073119
Pte. M.  Dixon I0073125
Pte. Fred Dobney I0073113
Pte. Ottie G.  Dobson I0073114
Pte. Wm.  Dockery I0073115
Pte. A. J.  Dodd I0073121
Pte. Percy  Dollery I0073118
Pte. Frank Dolson I0073119
Pte. Robert  Don I0073115
Pte. T. R.  Don I0073114
Pte. Thos.  Donaldson I0073129
Pte. Alfred Doole I0073117
Pte. W.  Doricott I0073125
Pte. T.  Dougall I0073117
Corpl. M.  Douglas I0073129
Pte. Chas. S.  Douglas I0073110
Pte. F. W.  Douglas I0073314
Pte. W.  Douglas I0073112
Pte. Walter  Douse I0073117
Pte. C. F.  Dow I0073315
Pte. Dennis Dowling I0073113
Pte. Dennis P. Dowling I0073127
Staff Sgt. Ed.  Downard I0073110
Pte. E. C.  Dowsett I0073117
Corpl. Richd.  Doyle I0073112
Pte. Philip  Drader I0073112
Pte. E.  Drake I0073128
Pte. Joseph  Driscoll I0073127
Pte. Wm. H.  Drissell I0073127
Pte. J.  Dryden I0073122
Pte. Wm.  Duffey I0073127
Pte. Frank Dugwell I0073125
Pte. W.  Duncan I0073122
Pte. W. G.  Duncan I0073122
Pte. Wm.  Duncan I0073113
Pte. M.  Dundas I0073128
Pte. Jos. S. Dunlop I0073127
Pte. Allen  Durward I0073122
Pte. F. Chas. Dutton I0073125
Pte. F.  Dyer I0073128
Pte. Wm.  Dyers I0073113

List of Soldiers last names starting with letter "E"

Last Names Starting with "E"

Name List
First Name Last Name Search ID Tag
Lance-Corpl. W. A.  Eagleson I0073047
Pte. Earl Eason I0033212
Corpl. G.  Eastman I0073046
Pte. E. A.  Eastman I0073049
Bandsman F. Easton I0073051
Lieut. Thos. Eaton I0073052
Lieut. Lyle C. Ecclestone I0073048
Pte. J. S. Edgar I0073047
Pte. H.  Edge I0073047
Corpl. A. G. Edgson I0073046
Lce. Corpl. W. Edwards I0073051
Pte. Edwin H. Edwards I0073049
Bandsman Fred. Elbourne I0073048
Pte. F. H.  Elders I0073046
Pte. H. V. Eley I0073052
Pte. Harold F. A. Ellins I0073047
Sgt. Harry F. Ellins I0073049
Bandsman L. H. Elliot I0073046
Pte. Frank W. Elliot I0073047
Pte. R.  Elliot I0073053
Pte. Richard  Elliot I0073052
Corpl. Richd.  Ellis I0073048
Pte. Ernest  Ellis I0073050
Pte. R.  Elsey I0073053
Pte. C. H. W. Elwell I0073050
Pte. R.  English I0073051
Pte. Wm.  Enright I0073049
Pte. Lucio Esposito I0073046
Pte. Clarence Evans I0073048
Pte. E. Wm. Evans I0073051
Pte. Enoch  Evans I0073053
Pte. J. S. Evans I0073050
Pte. J. E.  Ewart I0073049
Pte. E.  Excell I0073050
Lance-Corpl. C. D.  Eyles I0073048
Pte. Geo. H. Eyles I0073053

List of Soldiers last names starting with letter "F"

Last Names Starting with "F"

Name List
First Name Last Name Search ID Tag
Lance-Corpl. T. Fairley I0073062
Pte. John W. Fallowfield I0073054
Pte. Dean Falls I0073061
Pte. W.  Faragher I0073057
Air Mech. J. Farler I0033215
Pte. S. T. Farmer I0073056
Pte. A. A. Farquhaar I0073055
Air Mech. M.  Farquhar I0033208
Pte. R. H.  Farraday I0073057
Gnr. Abert  Farrell I0073316
Pte. R. W.  Farrell I0033213
Pte. A.  Farrier I0073056
Q. M. Sgt. R. H.  Fawcett I0073054
Bombdr. John I. Fenson I0073062
Pte. W. R. Fenton I0073055
Pte. Alexr. G. Ferguson I0073057
Pte. L.  Fidge I0073054
Pte. Harry Fielding I0073056
Lieut. Harold  Finlinson I0073054
Gunner G. K. Finn I0073057
Pte. Ralph  Firth I0073062
Pte. Ed. B. Fisher I0073055
Pte. Hugh  Fisher I0073056
Sgt. Geo.  Fisher I0073057
Pte. Alfred  Fitch I0073054
Gunner Gerald  Fitzgerald I0073058
Pte. E. A.  Fitzgerald I0073055
Pte. William Fitzpatrick I0073063
Corpl. G. W. Fleming I0073059
Lance-Corpl. John G. Fletcher I0073060
Pte. Douglas  Flinn I0073061
Pte. F. G.  Flowers I0033208
Sgt. Thos. A. Fluck I0073058
Pte. Ernest  Foley I0073063
Pte. W. H.  Forbes I0073317
Pte. Wm. A. Forbes I0073059
Trooper Jas.  Ford I0073062
Pte. Ed.  Forsey I0073059
Pte. G.  Forsey I0073056
Pte. F. J.  Forster I0073060
Pte. L. R.  Forsythe I0073061
Pte. Stanley Forteath I0073058
Pte. J. W.  Foubister I0073063
Corpl. R. D. Fox I0073060
Pte. J. Foxley I0073059
Pte. Jay  Francis I0073314
Pte. M.  Francis I0073063
Pte. Norman A. Francis I0073061
Pte. E.  Franklin I0073058
Pte. A. C. Fraser I0073059
Pte. Robt.  Fraser I0073060
Pte. John G.  Frazer I0073062
Pte. Douglas  Freeman I0073061
Pte. W. J. Frith I0073058
Gunner Jas.  Frizell I0073059
Pte. Geo. Frizell I0073060
Pte. John  Frizzell I0073063
Sgt. Major Ernest  Fry I0073061
Pte. J. M. Fryday I0073058
Pte. H. B.  Frye I0073055
Pte. J. Arthur Fryer I0073063
Sapper Morden Fulton I0073055
Pte. Thos. A. Fyffe I0073060