This list represents the names of all the soldiers whose photographs appear in the Eaton’s collection. Some of the photographs were lost before they came to the Archives of Ontario, so a few names do not have accompanying portraits. To see a soldier’s portrait, search the list of names below, and copy the [ Search ID Tag ]. Paste that number into the search field below and click on “Search”.
First Name | Last Name | Search ID Tag |
Driver H. | Vance | I0073288 |
Pte. G. D. | Vaughan | I0073289 |
Pte. A. B. | Verinder | I0073291 |
Pte. Jas. | Vernon | I0073291 |
Pte. W. H. | Vernon | I0073278 |
Pte. Jas. J. | Vesey | I0073290 |
Pte. A. E. | Vickers | I0073288 |
Pte. H. H. | Vinall | I0073301 |
Pte. Fred. | Vince | I0073289 |
Corpl. E. | Vincent | I0073298 |
Sgt. A. F. | Vincent | I0073299 |
Sgt. Wm. H. | Virgin | I0073300 |
Last Names Starting with "W"
First Name | Last Name | Search ID Tag |
Pte. Geo. | Wagland | I0073300 |
Lieut. C. A. L. | Waite | I0073301 |
Pte. Horace | Wakefield | I0073306 |
Pte. C. | Wakelin | I0073300 |
Pte. N. | Waldron | I0073304 |
Pte. Rowland | Wales | I0073301 |
Air Mech. D. | Walker | I0073294 |
Drumr. Richard | Walker | I0073300 |
Pte. D. C. | Walker | I0073301 |
Pte. Edward | Walker | I0073299 |
Trooper Alex | Walker | I0073306 |
Gunr. R. | Wallace | I0073296 |
Pte. A. | Wallace | I0073301 |
Pte. R. | Wallace | I0073298 |
Pte. T. | Wallace | I0073306 |
Pte. Chas. H. | Wallas | I0073299 |
Sgt. Fred. | Walls | I0073299 |
Pte. Gordon | Walmsley | I0073300 |
Pte. W. J. | Walsh | I0073306 |
Driver John | Walters | I0073306 |
Pte. Russell | Walton | I0073300 |
Pte. Wm. | Walton | I0073299 |
Sgt. A. H. | Walton | I0073298 |
Sgt. W. H. | Warburton | I0073298 |
Pte. J. | Ward | I0073297 |
Pte. J. | Ward | I0073301 |
Pte. J. H. | Ward | I0073300 |
Seaman J. K. | Waring | I0073335 |
Driver Harold | Warner | I0073298 |
Pte. Edward | Warren | I0073299 |
Pte. E. R. | Warwick | I0073295 |
Bandsman W. G. | Wasson | I0073306 |
Pte. Wm. V. | Waterman | I0073307 |
Lieut. F. C. | Watkin | I0073293 |
Pte. S. K. | Watkin | I0073298 |
Pte. Chas. J. | Watson | I0073301 |
Pte. Geo. | Watson | I0073299 |
Sapper A. B. | Watson | I0073333 |
Pte. James | Watt | I0073298 |
Gunner B. | Wattum | I0073292 |
Gunr. E. F. | Weaver | I0073300 |
Corpl. F. G. | Webb | I0073306 |
Pte. F. N. | Webb | I0073309 |
Pte. J. R. | Webster | I0073308 |
Pte. E. J. | Weir | I0073311 |
Pte. Ed. O. | Weir | I0073294 |
Pte. Elgin | Weir | I0073310 |
Pte. John R. | Welbirn | I0073310 |
Pte. F. T. | Wellard | I0073311 |
Air Mech. A. | Wells | I0073297 |
Pte. C. S. | Wells | I0073309 |
Pte. Wm. | Wells | I0073333 |
Trooper C. G. | Wells | I0033200 |
Trooper Wm. | Wells | I0073308 |
Pte. James E. | Wemyss | I0033200 |
Lance Corpl. Geo. | West | I0073308 |
Pte. Louis | West | I0073309 |
Sgt. Walter | Westcott | I0073310 |
Gunr. W. J. | Wetheral | I0073332 |
Pte. H. | Wharton | I0073311 |
Pte. L. | Wheeldon | I0033200 |
Pte. Walter S. | Wheeler | I0073309 |
Pte. A. E. | Whish | I0073294 |
Band Master Sidney | White | I0073308 |
Bandsman S. | White | I0073309 |
Drv. E. Albert | White | I0073335 |
Gunr. Robt. B. | White | I0073296 |
Lieut. Qr. Mr. J. W. | White | I0073310 |
Pte. A. E. | White | I0073308 |
Pte. Joseph | White | I0073296 |
Pte. P. W. | White | I0073311 |
Pte. R. H. | White | I0033200 |
Pte. Wilfred | White | I0073310 |
Pte. Arthur | Whitehead | I0073311 |
Pte. Walter | Whitehead | I0033200 |
Q. M. Sgt. H. A. | Whitehead | I0073293 |
Pte. A. E. | Whitehill | I0073309 |
Pte. Edgar | Whitney | I0073308 |
Sgt. W. C. | Whitney | I0073310 |
Pte. Cedric | Whittaker | I0073311 |
Lance Corp. H. | Whittle | I0033200 |
Pte. J. V. | Whitton | I0073309 |
Driver Murray | Wickham | I0073295 |
Pte. W. E. | Wiggins | I0073332 |
Pte. L. | Wildman | I0073302 |
Pte. Percy | Wildman | I0073305 |
Pte. Geo. | Wilken | I0073295 |
Pte. Herbert | Wilkens | I0073294 |
Chief Petty Officer O. | Wilkes | I0073303 |
Pte. Ed. | Wilkinson | I0073334 |
Bandsman H. | Williams | I0033200 |
Pte. Chas. | Williams | I0073311 |
Pte. F. A. | Williams | I0073293 |
Pte. Herbert M. | Williams | I0073292 |
Pte. Jack | Williams | I0073309 |
Pte. N. | Williams | I0073308 |
Pte. R. J. | Williams | I0073310 |
Sgt. A. C. | Williams | I0073310 |
Lance Corp. W. D. | Williamson | I0073311 |
Pte. J. E. | Willis | I0073332 |
Pte. A. E. | Willock | I0073292 |
Pte. Percy | Wills | I0073308 |
Pte. Lawrence | Wilmott | I0073293 |
Air Mech. R. E. | Wilson | I0073335 |
Air Mech. W. | Wilson | I0073334 |
Pte. Allan F. | Wilson | I0073304 |
Pte. C. J. | Wilson | I0073307 |
Pte. Chas. M. | Wilson | I0073303 |
Pte. Douglas | Wilson | I0073302 |
Pte. E. | Wilson | I0073305 |
Pte. F. | Wilson | I0073304 |
Pte. Gladstone | Wilson | I0073296 |
Pte. Harry | Wilson | I0073307 |
Pte. Herbert | Wilson | I0073301 |
Pte. Herbert S. | Wilson | I0073302 |
Pte. Humphrey | Wilson | I0073303 |
Pte. John | Wilson | I0073302 |
Pte. John | Wilson | I0073305 |
Pte. John J. | Wilson | I0073304 |
Pte. Robt. | Wilson | I0073307 |
Pte. H. S. | Wiltse | I0033200 |
Pte. J. R. | Winpenny | I0073305 |
Pte. J. | Winter | I0073302 |
Corpl. A. J. | Wollacott | I0073305 |
Pte. Ernest | Wood | I0073295 |
Pte. Fred. | Wood | I0073299 |
Pte. Walter C. | Wood | I0073292 |
Pte. Weyburn | Wood | I0073335 |
Pte. Herman | Woodcock | I0073305 |
Pte. Wm. Jno. | Woodcock | I0073304 |
Pte. John | Woods | I0073304 |
Pte. P. A. | Woods | I0073297 |
Pte. Wm. J. | Woods | I0073303 |
Pte. Wm. Jas. | Woods | I0073307 |
Pte. R. K. | Woodward | I0073298 |
Pte. C. R. | Work | I0073334 |
Pte. Thos. | Worrall | I0073303 |
Pte. H. D. | Worsell | I0073302 |
Pte. G. M. | Wort | I0073297 |
Pte. John Thos. | Worth | I0073307 |
Pte. John. H. | Wortley | I0073297 |
Bombr. Jack | Wright | I0073302 |
Pte. F. B. | Wright | I0073305 |
Pte. G. C. | Wright | I0073303 |
Pte. J. | Wright | I0073307 |
Pte. W. B. | Wright | I0073305 |
Sgt. Major Gordon | Wright | I0073304 |
Pte. A. | Wrigley | I0073304 |
Pte. Oliver | Wyatt | I0073334 |
Air Mec. W. D. | Wylie | I0073332 |
Bandsman Wm. | Wyllie | I0073307 |
Staff Sgt. Jno. A. | Wyllie | I0073303 |
Pte. Alex | Wyse | I0073302 |
No Names Available in this Alphabet
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