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Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery

Remembrance Day 2014 Online Exhibit – The Soldiers

This list represents the names of all the soldiers whose photographs appear in the Eaton’s collection. Some of the photographs were lost before they came to the Archives of Ontario, so a few names do not have accompanying portraits. To see a soldier’s portrait, search the list of names below, and copy the [ Search ID Tag ]. Paste that number into the search field below and click on “Search”.

Soldier Search Box

Put Soldier Search ID Tag from the Name List Below (without any space):

After pressing search , please CLICK on the picture to ENLARGE it.

Soldier Picture based on Search ID Tag

"J-L" Listed by Soldiers Last Name

J-L alphabet title banner

A-C | D-F | G-I | J-L | M-O | P-R | S-U | V-X | Y-Z

List of Soldiers last names starting with letter "J"

Last Names Starting with "J"

Name List
First Name Last Name Search ID Tag
Corpl. F. T.  Jackson I0073161
Pte. Geo.  Jackson I0073160
Pte. Geo.  Jackson I0073162
Pte. S. J.  Jackson I0073159
Pte. Thos.  Jackson I0073167
Pte. Henry G. James I0073159
Pte. Robt. G.  James I0073162
Pte. Wm. J.  James I0073161
Pte. Alex.  Jameson I0073163
Bugler Jno. A.  Jardine I0073160
Bombr. A.  Jarvis I0073163
Pte. A. E.  Jarvis I0073159
Pte. N. C.  Jarvis I0033199
Pte. Wm. E.  Jarvis I0073161
Pte. Joe. A.  Jebson I0073162
Lance Corpl. W.  Jefferson I0073160
Pte. E. R.  Jeffery I0073164
Seaman Jno. E.  Jeffrey I0073168
Pte. Frank  Jennings I0073163
Pte. Russell  Jepson I0073161
Pte. Jack  Jerman I0033207
Pte. H. A.  Jess I0073164
Signaller Jno. O.  Jessop I0073159
Pte. Sidney  Jex I0073165
Pte. Edward  Johns I0073166
Bandsman H.  Johnson I0073166
Pte. Ben. H.  Johnson I0073167
Pte. Geo.  Johnson I0073164
Pte. Sam.  Johnson I0073158
Pte. Steven C.  Johnson I0073168
Pte. Alex  Johnston I0073164
Pte. David  Johnston I0033204
Pte. Geo. W.  Johnston I0073166
Pte. J. E.  Johnston I0073165
Pte. J. H.  Johnston I0073166
Pte. W. F.  Johnston I0073159
Pte. W. R.  Johnston I0073165
Pte. Wm.  Johnston I0073167
Pte. Wm. J.  Johnston I0073168
Sgt. Major J. F.  Johnston I0073165
Pte. A. E.  Jones I0073165
Pte. A. T.  Jones I0073164
Pte. Arthur  Jones I0073168
Pte. E. S.  Jones I0073167
Pte. John H.  Jones I0073168
Pte. Sam W.  Jones I0073164
Pte. Thos.  Jones I0073327
Pte. V. R.  Jones I0073168
Pte. W. H.  Jones I0073167
Pte. Wm.  Jones I0073164
Sgt. Walter H.  Jones I0073166
Signaller J. F.  Jones I0073167
Pte. S. J.  Jordan I0073165
Pte. John  Jordell I0073136
Pte. Leslie  Jorden I0073165
Gunner S. Joyce I0073166
Pte. Clifford  Judge I0073321
Pte. Harvey  Judson I0073166
Gunner Chas. I.  Junkin I0073167

List of Soldiers last names starting with letter "K"

Last Names Starting with "K"

Name List
First Name Last Name Search ID Tag
Pte. Henry Kane I0033383
Pte. Wm. C.  Kane I0033383
Pte. Wm. B.  Kealey I0033383
Pte. L. A.  Keele I0033383
Pte. Albert  Keenan I0073172
Pte. A. K.  Kellar I0033383
Sgt. Harvey Keller I0073170
Pte. A. E.  Kelly I0073169
Pte. Wm.  Kelly I0073172
Driver Horace  Kemp I0073172
Driver Jno.  Kennedy I0073170
Pte. David  Kennedy I0073171
Pte. Gordon  Kennedy I0033384
Pte. J. D.  Kennedy I0073169
Pte. Kenneth  Kennedy I0073171
Pte. Richd.  Kennedy I0073172
Pte. W. J. M.  Kennedy I0073171
Pte. Chas.  Kent I0033384
Sgt. Henry V.  Kent I0033384
Pte. G.  Keough I0073169
Pte. H.  Keough I0073170
Pte. R. D.  Keough I0073172
Driver Jno.  Kernohan I0073170
Driver Geo.  Kerr I0073171
Pte. Geo. Kerr I0073171
Pte. James  Kerr I0033384
Pte. Jas. E.  Kerr I0073170
Pte. John J.  Keyes I0073170
Pte. Alex.  Keys I0073169
Pte. Rd. Chas.  Kimball I0073169
Seaman J.  Kincaid I0073323
Lce. Corp. Leonard King I0033384
Pte. E. M.  King I0073320
Pte. H. R.  King I0073169
Pte. J. J.  King I0073170
Pte. J. Norman  King I0033384
Pte. Alex.  Kingan I0073172
Pte. H. B.  Kingsberry I0073322
Staff Sgt. H. C.  Kingston I0073171
Pte. Fred. T.  Kinton I0073172
Gunr. A.  Kirby I0073324
Pte. Horace B.  Kirby I0073171
Gnr. Howard Knight I0073169
Pte. Norman A.  Knight I0033384
Pte. Wm. E.  Knight I0073170
Pte. Wm.  Knowles I0073172
Sgt. Jas.  Knox I0073169
Gnr. Jas. Kyle I0073318

List of Soldiers last names starting with letter "L"

Last Names Starting with "L"

Name List
First Name Last Name Search ID Tag
Gnr. John  Lackey I0073174
Lance Corp. E. W.  Lackey I0073176
Lance Corpl. T. W. L.  Laing I0073175
Pte. R. G.  Laing I0073181
Pte. James  Lainsbury I0073173
Pte. Clayton  Laird I0073181
Pte. A. W.  Lake I0073178
Pte. Stanley Lake I0073175
Pte. Jos. H.  Lamb I0073173
Pte. Willard  Lamb I0073182
Pte. Jno. W.  Lambert I0073176
Pte. H.  Lanchbury I0073176
Pte. Arthr.  Langford I0073178
Pte. Bertram  Langley I0073173
Pte. Jas.  Lapatina I0073181
Pte. Henry  Lapensee I0033203
Sergt. Jas.  Lapetina I0073182
Pte. H.  Laraway I0073177
Sgt. F. A.  Larkin I0073175
Pte. Geo.  Latimer I0073178
Pte. A. B.  Law I0073181
Pte. Robt.  Law I0073175
Pte. Wm.  Law I0073178
Corpl. Jno.  Lawrence I0073180
Pte. F.  Lawrence I0073176
Air Mec. John  Lawson I0073321
Pte. Archie  Lea I0073173
Pte. Thos. J.  Lear I0073176
Pte. Claude Leavens I0073320
Pte. Lucien  Lebret I0073180
Sgt. R.  Ledingham I0073181
Pte. C. N.  Lee I0073175
Pte. Wm.  Leeson I0073178
Pte. H.  Legg I0073173
Pte. T. L.  Legg I0073176
Pte. Fred. R.  Leitch I0073177
Pte. J. R.  LeMontais I0073181
Pte. A. E.  Lenehan


Pte. Robt.  Lennox I0073175
Pte. Harry  Leslie I0073178
Pte. J.  Leslie I0073176
Pte. Wm. L.  Lester I0073173
Pte. Percy E.  Lewis I0073175
Pte. William Lewis I0073176
Pte. Wm. J.  Lewis I0073178
Sergt. Ashworth Lewis I0073323
Sgt. Ashworth  Lewis I0073181
Pte. C. Lindsay I0073173
Pte. C. E.  Lindsay I0073325
Pte. Isaac B.  Lindsay I0073174
Signaller Hugh  Lindsay I0073175
Signaller Thos. Lindsay I0073181
Corpl. Albert  Linham  I0073178
Pte. M. A.  Littlefair I0073179
Pte. Alfred Livoch I0073182
Air Mech. Sid. H.  Lloyd I0033207
Gunner Frank S.  Lloyd I0073177
Pte. A. W.  Loane I0073174
Pte. H. W.  Loates I0073179
Pte. Wm.  Lomer I0073182
Pte. H.  Long I0073180
Pte. Leonard  Long I0073177
Corpl. Stanley H. Longmoor I0073179
Pte. Ed.  Longshaw I0073174
Pte. P. H.  Longstaff I0073180
Pte. Roy D. Loomis I0073182
Pte. Nugent  Lord I0073177
Pte. W. H.  Lord I0073180
Pte. Robt.  Lough I0073174
Bugler G. C.  Lougheed I0073179
Sgt. Aylmer J. Lougheed I0073182
Pte. John H.  Loughran I0073180
Pte. John  Love I0073177
Pte. Thos. N.  Love I0073174
Sgt. James  Love I0073179
Pte. A. M.  Low I0073182
Pte. Harold  Lowry I0073177
Pte. Thos. Lowry I0073179
Pte. Norman  Lucas I0073180
Pte. R.  Lucas I0033383
Pte. A. S.  Lukeman I0073177
Pte. Davis Lumsden I0073174
Pte. F.  Lunn I0073318
Sgt. Chr. G.  Lunney I0073174
Pte. W. H.  Lusted I0073179
Pte. Geo.  Lyall I0073179
Pte. J. A.  Lyon I0073173
Pte. Frank A.  Lyons I0073182
Pte. A. C.  Lytle I0073180