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Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery

Remembrance Day 2014 Online Exhibit – The Soldiers

This list represents the names of all the soldiers whose photographs appear in the Eaton’s collection. Some of the photographs were lost before they came to the Archives of Ontario, so a few names do not have accompanying portraits. To see a soldier’s portrait, search the list of names below, and copy the [ Search ID Tag ]. Paste that number into the search field below and click on “Search”.

Soldier Search Box

Put Soldier Search ID Tag from the Name List Below (without any space):

After pressing search , please CLICK on the picture to ENLARGE it.

Soldier Picture based on Search ID Tag

"V-X" Listed by Soldiers Last Name

V-X alphabet title banner

A-C | D-F | G-I | J-L | M-O | P-R | S-U | V-X | Y-Z

List of Soldiers last names starting with letter "V"

Last Names Starting with "V"

Name List
First Name Last Name Search ID Tag
Driver H.  Vance I0073288
Pte. G. D.  Vaughan I0073289
Pte. A. B.  Verinder I0073291
Pte. Jas.  Vernon I0073291
Pte. W. H.  Vernon I0073278
Pte. Jas. J.  Vesey I0073290
Pte. A. E.  Vickers I0073288
Pte. H. H.  Vinall I0073301
Pte. Fred.  Vince I0073289
Corpl. E.  Vincent I0073298
Sgt. A. F.  Vincent I0073299
Sgt. Wm. H. Virgin I0073300

List of Soldiers last names starting with letter "W"

Last Names Starting with "W"

Name List
First Name Last Name Search ID Tag
Pte. Geo.  Wagland I0073300
Lieut. C. A. L. Waite I0073301
Pte. Horace  Wakefield I0073306
Pte. C.  Wakelin I0073300
Pte. N.  Waldron I0073304
Pte. Rowland Wales I0073301
Air Mech. D.  Walker I0073294
Drumr. Richard  Walker I0073300
Pte. D. C.  Walker I0073301
Pte. Edward Walker I0073299
Trooper Alex  Walker I0073306
Gunr. R.  Wallace I0073296
Pte. A. Wallace I0073301
Pte. R.  Wallace I0073298
Pte. T.  Wallace I0073306
Pte. Chas. H.  Wallas I0073299
Sgt. Fred.  Walls I0073299
Pte. Gordon Walmsley I0073300
Pte. W. J.  Walsh I0073306
Driver John  Walters I0073306
Pte. Russell  Walton I0073300
Pte. Wm.  Walton I0073299
Sgt. A. H.  Walton I0073298
Sgt. W. H.  Warburton I0073298
Pte. J.  Ward I0073297
Pte. J.  Ward I0073301
Pte. J. H. Ward I0073300
Seaman J. K.  Waring I0073335
Driver Harold  Warner I0073298
Pte. Edward Warren I0073299
Pte. E. R.  Warwick I0073295
Bandsman W. G.  Wasson I0073306
Pte. Wm. V.  Waterman I0073307
Lieut. F. C.  Watkin I0073293
Pte. S. K.  Watkin I0073298
Pte. Chas. J.  Watson I0073301
Pte. Geo.  Watson I0073299
Sapper A. B.  Watson I0073333
Pte. James  Watt I0073298
Gunner B. Wattum I0073292
Gunr. E. F.  Weaver I0073300
Corpl. F. G.  Webb I0073306
Pte. F. N.  Webb I0073309
Pte. J. R.  Webster I0073308
Pte. E. J.  Weir I0073311
Pte. Ed. O.  Weir I0073294
Pte. Elgin  Weir I0073310
Pte. John R.  Welbirn I0073310
Pte. F. T.  Wellard I0073311
Air Mech. A.  Wells I0073297
Pte. C. S. Wells I0073309
Pte. Wm.  Wells I0073333
Trooper C. G.  Wells I0033200
Trooper Wm.  Wells I0073308
Pte. James E.  Wemyss I0033200
Lance Corpl. Geo. West I0073308
Pte. Louis West I0073309
Sgt. Walter  Westcott I0073310
Gunr. W. J.  Wetheral I0073332
Pte. H.  Wharton I0073311
Pte. L. Wheeldon I0033200
Pte. Walter S.  Wheeler I0073309
Pte. A. E.  Whish I0073294
Band Master Sidney White I0073308
Bandsman S. White I0073309
Drv. E. Albert White I0073335
Gunr. Robt. B.  White I0073296
Lieut. Qr. Mr. J. W. White I0073310
Pte. A. E.  White I0073308
Pte. Joseph  White I0073296
Pte. P. W.  White I0073311
Pte. R. H. White I0033200
Pte. Wilfred White I0073310
Pte. Arthur Whitehead I0073311
Pte. Walter Whitehead I0033200
Q. M. Sgt. H. A.  Whitehead I0073293
Pte. A. E.  Whitehill I0073309
Pte. Edgar  Whitney I0073308
Sgt. W. C.  Whitney I0073310
Pte. Cedric  Whittaker I0073311
Lance Corp. H.  Whittle I0033200
Pte. J. V.  Whitton I0073309
Driver Murray  Wickham I0073295
Pte. W. E.  Wiggins I0073332
Pte. L.  Wildman I0073302
Pte. Percy Wildman I0073305
Pte. Geo.  Wilken I0073295
Pte. Herbert  Wilkens I0073294
Chief Petty Officer O.  Wilkes I0073303
Pte. Ed.  Wilkinson I0073334
Bandsman H.  Williams I0033200
Pte. Chas.  Williams I0073311
Pte. F. A.  Williams I0073293
Pte. Herbert M. Williams I0073292
Pte. Jack  Williams I0073309
Pte. N. Williams I0073308
Pte. R. J.  Williams I0073310
Sgt. A. C.  Williams I0073310
Lance Corp. W. D.  Williamson I0073311
Pte. J. E.  Willis I0073332
Pte. A. E.  Willock I0073292
Pte. Percy Wills I0073308
Pte. Lawrence  Wilmott I0073293
Air Mech. R. E. Wilson I0073335
Air Mech. W. Wilson I0073334
Pte. Allan F.  Wilson I0073304
Pte. C. J.  Wilson I0073307
Pte. Chas. M.  Wilson I0073303
Pte. Douglas  Wilson I0073302
Pte. E.  Wilson I0073305
Pte. F. Wilson I0073304
Pte. Gladstone  Wilson I0073296
Pte. Harry  Wilson I0073307
Pte. Herbert  Wilson I0073301
Pte. Herbert S.  Wilson I0073302
Pte. Humphrey  Wilson I0073303
Pte. John  Wilson I0073302
Pte. John  Wilson I0073305
Pte. John J.  Wilson I0073304
Pte. Robt.  Wilson I0073307
Pte. H. S.  Wiltse I0033200
Pte. J. R.  Winpenny I0073305
Pte. J.  Winter I0073302
Corpl. A. J.  Wollacott I0073305
Pte. Ernest  Wood I0073295
Pte. Fred.  Wood I0073299
Pte. Walter C. Wood I0073292
Pte. Weyburn  Wood I0073335
Pte. Herman  Woodcock I0073305
Pte. Wm. Jno.  Woodcock I0073304
Pte. John  Woods I0073304
Pte. P. A.  Woods I0073297
Pte. Wm. J.  Woods I0073303
Pte. Wm. Jas.  Woods I0073307
Pte. R. K.  Woodward I0073298
Pte. C. R.  Work I0073334
Pte. Thos.  Worrall I0073303
Pte. H. D.  Worsell I0073302
Pte. G. M.  Wort I0073297
Pte. John Thos. Worth I0073307
Pte. John. H.  Wortley I0073297
Bombr. Jack Wright I0073302
Pte. F. B. Wright I0073305
Pte. G. C.  Wright I0073303
Pte. J.  Wright I0073307
Pte. W. B.  Wright I0073305
Sgt. Major Gordon  Wright I0073304
Pte. A.  Wrigley I0073304
Pte. Oliver Wyatt I0073334
Air Mec. W. D.  Wylie I0073332
Bandsman Wm.  Wyllie I0073307
Staff Sgt. Jno. A. Wyllie I0073303
Pte. Alex Wyse I0073302

List of Soldiers last names starting with letter "X"

No Names Available in this Alphabet