Government of Ontario     |    

Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery

Microfilm Interloan Service

Grey County Surrogate Court Records

Surrogate Court Records Available on Interloan

To View the Microfilm

Use the listings below to identify the reel of microfilm that contains the information that you need. You may then:

  • Consult the appropriate reel at our reading room 134 Ian Macdonald Blvd., Toronto, Ontario M7A 2C5


  • Borrow the reel through the Interlibrary Loan Department of your public library. Quote GS 1, GS 2 or MS 887 and the appropriate reel #. These reels cannot leave the borrowing library, so make sure to request them from a library that has a microfilm reader.


  • Purchase the appropriate microfilm reel directly from the Archives of Ontario. Quote GS 1, GS 2 or MS 887 and the appropriate reel #. For purchasing details, write the Archives of Ontario, 134 Ian Macdonald Blvd., Toronto, Ontario M7A 2C5 (put "Attention: Customer Services - Micrographics" on the envelope), telephone 416-327-1600 (call toll-free 1-800-668-9933 in Ontario only), or email For pricing information consult Customer Service Guide 105: Reproduction Services and Fees - Word, PDF.

Indexes - 1859 to 1969

The Indexes are organized by surname initial, then by the date that the deceased's estate was dispersed. Most indexes will provide the number of the deceased's estate file. However, some indexes will only list the register and page number where the estate file number is recorded (in these cases, you must next order the appropriate register for the date when the deceased's estate was probated).

In the table below, determine the reel of microfilm that you need and note the Microfilm Reference code. Please note that many estates were not dispersed until the spouse had died. Once you have the microfilm, search for the name alphabetically, then record the estate file number. Use the number that appears in the NCB (Non-Contentious Business) column as the file number.

Go to Estate Files to determine what microfilm to order to see the estate file.

Indexes - 1859 to 1969

Indexes Year(s) Archives of Ontario Microfilm Reference Number
Indexes 1859-1969 GS 2, Reel 45

Registers - 1859 to 1929

The registers, also known as Probate and Administration books, contain the courthouse's copy of the grants of Letters of Probate (for estates with wills) and of Administration (for estates without wills). Information about registers is normally only included in this list if they serve as the only index to the estate file or if they contain the only copy of the wills.

In the table below, identify the volume that covers the time period relevant to your search and note the Microfilm Reference code. Once you have received the microfilm, look up the relevant entry using the volume and page number found in the index.

Registers - 1859 to 1929

Registers Year(s) Archives of Ontario Microfilm Reference Number
Vol. A-C 1859-1880 GS 2, Reel 45
Vol. D 1880-1884 GS 2, Reel 46
Vol. E-F 1884-1891 GS 2, Reel 46A
Vol. G 1891-1893 GS 2, Reel 47
Vol. H-I 1893-1898 GS 2, Reel 48
Vol. J 1898-1900 GS 2, Reel 49
Vol. K 1900-1903 GS 2, Reel 50
Vol. L-N (12-14) 1903-1908 MS 887, Reel 1098
Vol. O-Q (15-17) 1908-1913 MS 887, Reel 1099
Vol. R_t (18-20) 1913-1917 MS 887, Reel 1100
Vol. U-W (21-23) 1917-1920 MS 887, Reel 1101
Vol. X-Z (24-26), 27 1920-1924 MS 887, Reel 1102
Vol. 27 (cont.), 28-29 1924-1926 MS 887, Reel 1103
Vol. 30-32 1927-1929 MS 887, Reel
Vol. 32 (cont.) 1929 MS 887, Reel 1105

Estate Files - 1859 to 1930

Estate files contain all the documents needed to grant Letters Probate or Letters of Administration, including the petition for probate or administration, the original signed Will, oaths of executors or administrators, tally of assets, and related evidence.

In the table below, identify the microfilm which covers the time period and estate file number relevant to your search. Use the indexes to determine the estate file number. Order the appropriate microfilm, citing the Microfilm Reference code. Once you have the microfilm, look for the estate file number, which usually appears at the beginning of each file on the docket wrapper, and may appear elsewhere throughout the file.

Estate Files - 1859 to 1930

Estate Files Year(s) Archives of Ontario Microfilm Reference Number
0001-0025 1859-1861 GS 1, Reel 849A
0026-0168 (missing 167) 1861-1869 GS 1, Reel 850
0169-0307 1869-1873 GS 1, Reel 851
0308-0444 1873-1876 GS 1, Reel 852
0445-0573 1876-1879 GS 1, Reel 853
0574-0699 1879-1881 GS 1, Reel 854
0700-0824 1881-1883 GS 1, Reel 855
0825-0949 1883-1885 GS 1, Reel 856
0950-1073 1885-1886 GS 1, Reel 857
1074-1155 1886-1887 GS 1, Reel 858
1156-1274 1887-1888 GS 1, Reel 859
1275-1392 1888-1889 GS 1, Reel 860
1393-1514 1889-1890 GS 1, Reel 861
1515-1634 1890-1891 GS 1, Reel 862
1635-1744 1891-1892 GS 1, Reel 863
1745-1850 1892-1893 GS 1, Reel 864
1851-1959 1893-1894 GS 1, Reel 865
1960-2067 1894 GS 1, Reel 866
2068-2170 1894-1895 GS 1, Reel 867
2171-2265 1895 GS 1, Reel 868
2266-2362 1895-1896 GS 1, Reel 869
2363-2456 1896-1897 GS 1, Reel 870
2457-2554 1897 GS 1, Reel 871
2555-2655 1897-1898 GS 1, Reel 872
2656-2756 1898-1899 GS 1, Reel 873
2757-2852 1899 GS 1, Reel 874
2853-2947 1899-1900 GS 1, Reel 875
2948-3035 1900 GS 1, Reel 876
3036-3118 1901 MS 887, Reel 573
3119-3257 1901-1902 MS 887, Reel 574
3258-3364 (missing 3298, 3314) 1902-1903 MS 887, Reel 575
3365-3463 1903 MS 887, Reel 576
3464-3563 1903-1904 MS 887, Reel 577
3564-3655 1904 MS 887, Reel 578
3656-3743 1904-1905 MS 887, Reel 579
3744-3776 (missing 3760) 1905 MS 887, Reel 580
3777-3880 1905 MS 887, Reel 581
3881-3985 1905-1906 MS 887, Reel 582
3986-4038 1906 MS 887, Reel 583
4039-4086 1906-1907 MS 887, Reel 584
4087-4184 1907 MS 887, Reel 585
4185-4290 1907 MS 887, Reel 586
4291-4392 1907-1908 MS 887, Reel 587
4393-4507 1908-1909 MS 887, Reel 588
4508-4616 1909 MS 887, Reel 589
4617-4726 1909-1910 MS 887, Reel 590
4727-2839 1910 MS 887, Reel 591
4840-4927 1910-1911 MS 887, Reel 592
4928-4966 (missing 4937) 1911 MS 887, Reel 593
4967-5020 1911 MS 887, Reel 594
5021-5135 1911 MS 887, Reel 595
5136-5245 1911-1912 MS 887, Reel 596
5246-5341 1912 MS 887, Reel 597
5342-5456 1912-1913 MS 887, Reel 598
5457-5554 1913 MS 887, Reel 599
5555-5668 1913-1914 MS 887, Reel 600
5669-5775 (missing 5760) 1914-1915 MS 887, Reel 601
5776-5886 (missing 5825) 1915 MS 887, Reel 602
5887-6000 1915 MS 887, Reel 603
6001-6096 (missing 6004) 1915-1916 MS 887, Reel 604
6097-6210 1916 MS 887, Reel 605
6211-6324 1916-1917 MS 887, Reel 606
6325-6438 (missing 6406) 1917 MS 887, Reel 607
6439-6550 1917-1918 MS 887, Reel 608
6551-6664 1918 MS 887, Reel 609
6665-6770 1918-1919 MS 887, Reel 610
6771-6882 1919 MS 887, Reel 611
6883-6991 1919 MS 887, Reel 612
6992-7090 1919-1920 MS 887, Reel 613
7091-7203A 1920 MS 887, Reel 614
7204-7308 1920-1921 MS 887, Reel 615
7309-7412 1921 MS 887, Reel 616
7413-7526 1921 MS 887, Reel 617
7527-7645 1921-1922 MS 887, Reel 618
(missing 7666,7696)
1922 MS 887, Reel 619
7760-7816 1922-1923 MS 887, Reel 620
7817-7856 1923 MS 887, Reel 621
7857-7965 1923 MS 887, Reel 622
7966-8042 1923 MS 887, Reel 623
8043-8147 1923-1924 MS 887, Reel 624
(missing 8149, 8158)
1924 MS 887, Reel 625
8262-8363 1924-1925 MS 887, Reel 626
8364-8471 1925 MS 887, Reel 627
8472-8587 1925-1926 MS 887, Reel 628
8587A-8689 1926 MS 887, Reel 629
8690-8804 (missing 8771) 1926 MS 887, Reel 630
8805-8916 1926-1927 MS 887, Reel 631
8917-9032 1927 MS 887, Reel 632
9033-9129 1927-1928 MS 887, Reel 633
9130-9214 1928 MS 887, Reel 634
9215-9308 1928 MS 887, Reel 635
(missing 9330-9335)
1928 MS 887, Reel 636
9406-9500 (missing 9480) 1928-1929 MS 887, Reel 637
9501-9595 1929 MS 887, Reel 638
9596-9676 1929 MS 887, Reel 639
9677-9769 1929-1930 MS 887, Reel 640
9770-9869 1930 MS 887, Reel 641
9870-9955 1930 MS 887, Reel 642
1-53 (new series)
1930 MS 887, Reel 643

Estate Files - 1931-1970

Estate Files processed between 1931 and 1970 are with the Archives of Ontario; they have not yet been microfilmed. To order a copy of all or part of an estate file please contact us with: the estate file number; year; name of county/district; and name of the deceased. Please include: your name; address; telephone number; and a brief description of what documents you would like copied (eg. the entire file, only the will, etc.). Also, please indicate if you need the copies to be certified.

Archives of Ontario
134 Ian Macdonald Blvd.
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 2C5

For details on photocopy charges, please see our Customer Service Guide 105: Reproduction Services and Fees - Word, PDF .

Estate files - after 1970

The estate files processed after 1970 have not yet been transferred to the Archives of Ontario. You must contact the courthouse listed below which originally dealt with that court matter.

Superior Court of Justice - Estates Division
611 9th Avenue East
Owen Sound, Ontario
N4K 6Z4

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