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Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery

Microfilm Interloan Service

Original Index Books to Marriage Registrations - 1873-1911

If you have already searched the Indexes to Marriages (RG 80-7) and have not found the marriage registration you are looking for, there is a very slight chance that the marriage is indexed in the Original Index Books to Marriage Registrations (RG 80-24) listed below.

Each Original Index Book is arranged:

  • First, by surname initial, and
  • Second, by name of the County or District (City of Toronto registrations were sometimes listed separately)

Once you have found the Index that may contain the marriage you are looking for, note the MS 941 reel number found in the "Archives of Ontario Microfilm Reference" column of the table. You may then:

  • Consult the appropriate reel in our reading room on the ground floor, 134 Ian Macdonald Blvd., Toronto.
  • Through the Interlibrary Loan Department of your public library, borrow the appropriate microfilm reel. Quote MS 941 and the appropriate reel #. These reels cannot leave the borrowing library, so make sure to request them from a library that has a microfilm reader.
  • Borrow the film from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints through their Family History Centres. The Family History Centres have a different numbering system than the Archives of Ontario. These FamilySearch conversion numbers have been provided in the right hand column of the table below or, for a complete list of all GSU conversion numbers, consult the microfilm conversion list.

For each entry, this Index will give a Liber (volume) and Folio (page) number of the Registration. Once you have this information, proceed to Registrations of Marriages (Listed Geographically) - 1869-1911.

If the person's name is not in the Indexes to Marriages (RG 80-7) or in the Original Index Books to Marriage Registrations (RG 80-24) listed below, the marriage was likely not registered or did not take place in Ontario.

Original Index Books to Marriage Registrations - 1873-1911

Year of Marriage Surname Initial Archives of Ontario
Microfilm Reference
1873 A-D MS 941, Reel 1 1838914
1873 D-Z MS 941, Reel 2 1838915
1874 A-Z MS 941, Reel 2 1838915
1875 A-Z MS 941, Reel 2 1838915
1876 A-D MS 941, Reel 2 1838915
1876 E-Z MS 941, Reel 3 1838916
1877 A-Z MS 941, Reel 3 1838916
1878 A-W MS 941, Reel 3 1838916
1878 W-Z MS 941, Reel 4 1838917
1879 A-Z MS 941, Reel 4 1838917
1880 A-Z MS 941, Reel 4 1838917
1881 A-M MS 941, Reel 4 1838917
1881 N-Z MS 941, Reel 5 1838918
1882 A-Z MS 941, Reel 5 1838918
1883 A-M MS 941, Reel 5 1838918
1883 M-Z MS 941, Reel 6 1838919
1884 A-Z MS 941, Reel 6 1838919
1885 A-Z MS 941, Reel 6 1838919
1886 A-C MS 941, Reel 6 1838919
1886 C-Z MS 941, Reel 7 1838920
1887 A-Z MS 941, Reel 7 1838920
1888 A-L MS 941, Reel 7 1838920
1888 L-Z MS 941, Reel 8 1838921
1889 A-Z MS 941, Reel 8 1838921
1890 A-S MS 941, Reel 8 1838921
1890 S-Z MS 941, Reel 9 1838922
1891 A-Z MS 941, Reel 9 1838922
1892 A-K MS 941, Reel 9 1838922
1892 L-Z MS 941, Reel 9 1838922
1893 A-C MS 941, Reel 9 1838922
1893 C-K MS 941, Reel 10 1839092
1893 L-Z MS 941, Reel 10 1839092
1894 A-K MS 941, Reel 10 1839092
1894 L-Z MS 941, Reel 10 1839092
1895 A-M MS 941, Reel 10 1839092
1895 M-Z MS 941, Reel 11 1839093
1896 A-K MS 941, Reel 11 1839093
1896 L-Z MS 941, Reel 11 1839093
1897 A-L MS 941, Reel 11 1839093
1897 M-S MS 941, Reel 11 1839093
1897 S-Z MS 941, Reel 12 1839094
1898 A-Z MS 941, Reel 12 1839094
1899 A-W MS 941, Reel 12 1839094
1899 W-Z MS 941, Reel 13 1839095
1900 A-Z MS 941, Reel 13 1839095
1901 A-Z MS 941, Reel 13 1839095
1902 A MS 941, Reel 13 1839095
1902 A-K MS 941, Reel 14 1839096
1902 L-Z MS 941, Reel 14 1839096
1903 A-K MS 941, Reel 14 1839096
1903 L-S MS 941, Reel 14 1839096
1903 S-Z MS 941, Reel 15 1839097
1904 A-K MS 941, Reel 15 1839097
1904 L-Z MS 941, Reel 15 1839097
1905 A-H MS 941, Reel 15 1839097
1905 I-K MS 941, Reel 16 1839098
1905 L-Z MS 941, Reel 16 1839098
1906 A-K MS 941, Reel 16 1839098
1906 L-Z MS 941, Reel 16 1839098
1907 A-C MS 941, Reel 16 1839098
1907 C-K MS 941, Reel 17 1839099
1907 L-Z MS 941, Reel 17 1839099
1908 A-K MS 941, Reel 17 1839099
1908 L-R MS 941, Reel 17 1839099
1908 R-Z MS 941, Reel 18 1839100
1909 A-K MS 941, Reel 18 1839100
1909 L-Z MS 941, Reel 18 1839100
1910 A-F MS 941, Reel 18 1839100
1910 F-K MS 941, Reel 19 1839101
1910 L-Z MS 941, Reel 19 1839101
1911 A-Z MS 941, Reel 20 1844755

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