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Travels with Elizabeth Simcoe: A Visual Journey Through Upper and Lower Canada - Page Banner

About Elizabeth's Diaries

Watercolor: Description, by drawing and words of a caterpillar
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Description, by drawing and words
of a caterpillar (detail)
Elizabeth Simcoe, (1766-1850)
Reference Code: F 47-11-1-0-105
Archives of Ontario, I0006957

Elizabeth Simcoe's diaries have been transcribed and annotated by many biographers. In comparing the original documents to contemporary publications it was discovered that, in many cases, the journals have not been published exactly as written.

The diaries have often been changed to clarify details relating to the people, places, and things that she encountered on her journey. In addition, Mrs. Simcoe's grammar, punctuation and spelling has often been edited to make the text easier to read. Inconsistencies in spelling also arise between titles recorded on her paintings and her diary entries.

However, for the purposes of this exhibit, the material has been recorded as it exists on the original materials.

Two transcriptions of the diaries used in the preparation of this exhibit were: Mrs. Simcoe's Diaries, edited by Mary Quayle Innes, and The Diary of Mrs Simcoe, by J. Ross Robertson.

Page of Elizabeth Simcoe's Diary

Reference Code: F 47-8-0-1
Archives of Ontario